- Islamic Education
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- Death
Praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds, and peace and blessings upon Sayyidina Muhammad, the honest and the trustworthy. O Allah, we know nothing but what You teach us. You are the All- Knower, the Wise. O Allah, teach us what is good for us, and benefit us from what You taught us, and increase our knowledge. Show us the righteous things as righteous and help us to do them, and show us the bad things as bad and help us to keep away from them. O Allah our Lord make us amongst those who listen to the Word and follow the best meaning of it, and admit us, by Your Grace, to the ranks of Your righteous servants.
The advice of the Prophet PBUH for continuous remembrance of death:
((Remember more often the destroyer of pleasures.))
The destroyer of the pleasures is death. The Prophet PBUH advised his companions to remember death frequently as it was mentioned in this Sahih (authentic) Hadith. As you all know the Prophet PBUH never spoke of his own desire; it was only an Inspiration that was inspired to him. Thus, he, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him, was inspired to advise his companions to remember death very often. In another Hadith the Prophet PBUH said:((Remember the destroyer of worldly pleasures (death) frequently; none will remember it (meaning death) while in hardship but will feel ease and while at ease but will feel disturbed.))
If you are wealthy and heedless of Allah, remembering death will prevent you from wishing for any other enjoyment in the future, and if you are in hardship, then remembering death will remind you of the reward of the Hereafter, and you will forget all about your problems.A piece of advice for every Muslim:
I wish that you fully understand that Islam is not only restricted to performing the ritual acts of worship such as fasting, performing Salah and Hajj. This is what most people think, while in fact Islam is a detailed method which encompasses more than twenty or thirty thousand items. I would like to remind you that whoever remembers death profusely is following the Sunnah of the Prophet PBUH and the Method of Allah the Almighty. We should abundantly remember death, because it comes suddenly and unexpectedly.An important point:
Abu Hurayrah narrated that the Prophet, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him, said:((Remember the destroyer of worldly pleasures (death) frequently; none will remember it (meaning death) while in hardship but will feel ease and while at ease but will feel disturbed.))
When someone is overwhelmed with ravishment of this life and heedless of Allah the Almighty, he should remember death. Also, when he is during the time of need and hardships, he should remember death. Remembering death make you inclined towards the Hereafter and awakens you from heedlessness.
This is the task of death:
The moment of exam should be put into consideration throughout the year, otherwise students will find the moment of exam the most terrified one. Students who keep thinking about the exam and work hard for it consider the exam a momentous event. It is a matter of success or failure. If a student succeeds he will be privileged and people who are close to him will be pleased with him. Once, the country's first student was asked: "How did you get this degree?" He answered: "The moment of the exam was always in my mind during the academic year." Likewise, the moment of death is always in the mind of the real believer. He always does his best even when the Last Hour comes. Anas Ibn Malik narrated that the Prophet PBUH said:((If the Final Hour comes while you have a palm-cutting in your hands and it is possible to plant it before the Hour comes, you should plant it.))
You study, get certificates, work, establish a company, buy a house and get married in this worldly life. However, remembering death should always part of your daily life while accomplishing all these things. Thinking about death refrains from committing mistakes, from disobeying Allah the Almighty, from taking what does not belong to you and from being heedless of Allah. Remembering death is like a shield and a motivator; it is a shield which protects you from deviation, and a motivator which motivates you to obey Allah the Almighty. When a poor man remembers death, he feels that he lives in affluence, while a wealthy man will renounce worldly pleasures when he remembers death.The wisest person according to the Prophet PBUH:
Ibn Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, said that he was sitting in the company of the Prophet PBUH, then a man from Al-Ansar (the supporters) came, he greeted the Prophet PBUH and asked him:"O Messenger of Allah, who is the best among believers?" He PBUH answered: "They are those with the best characters." Then, that man asked: "Who is the most sagacious and the most prudent among believers?" He PBUH said: "They are those who remember death most often and are well-prepared for what is after it. Verily, those are the wisest believers. "
If someone wants to go on a trip, he will right down all what he needs. He will put whatever he needs in his suitcase; his travel card, his passport, a notebook containing important phone numbers, clothes, a calculator and a book to read. Also he will put an amount of money in his wallet. His preparation for this trip means that he is a wise person and that he will enjoy his trip. Making good preparation is a sign of being wise.![](http://www.nabulsi.com/images/inside-arts/en/11884/02.jpg)
There are many events that you may consider important in this life, such as having a house to live in and help your sons financially to get married. However, the most serious event at all is leaving this life. Death is the most horrible event for those who have never thought about. When the Prophet, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him, was asked who the wisest among believers is, he PBUH replied:
"They are those who remember death most often and are well-prepared for what is after it. Verily, those are the wisest believers."
Those are really the wisest people, so you should remember death frequently. Also you should prepare yourself for it by repentance, writing your will, performing righteous deeds, spending your money on charity, calling to Allah, forbidding what is wrong, enjoining what is good, serving people, performing acts of worship, performing supererogatory acts of worship, seeking the Islamic knowledge, reciting the Noble Qur'an and so on. According to the Prophet, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him, the most rational people are those who remember death abundantly and who are well-prepared for it.Shadad Ibn Aus, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet PBUH said:
((A wise man is the one who calls himself to account (and refrains from doing evil deeds) and does noble deeds to benefit him after death; and the foolish person is the one who subdues himself to his temptations and desires and seeks from Allah the fulfillment of his vain desires.))
Call yourself to account:
One of my noble brother in faith who is an expert technologist told me what once happened to him due to a deadly mistake he committed. He said, "One day, a factory manager asked me to fix one of his computers. When I knew what the problem was, I demanded a certain amount of money. That man was mean, so he considered that amount of money too large. He started to argue with me in order to lower the fee, but I refused to lower it saying words that I should not have said. I didn't realize that I would pay the price of saying such words. I said to him: "I have no need of you but you are in need of me, so if you want me to fix it then you have to pay that amount of money." I said those words harshly and sternly." Then, the factory owner accepted that reluctantly and asked him to fix the computer. That technologist told me that in all his life, fixing such problems did not take more than half an hour or three quarters of an hour, as he was a real professional expert. He had studied at the best universities, and attained a high degree of excellence with regards to this matter. Nevertheless, he spent eight hours trying to fix that problem and he did not succeed. The same thing happened on the next day and the third day. He swore by Allah to me that he could not fix that problem even after eight days, and that fee became incompatible with the required period of time for fixing that problem. He thought that it would take no more than half an hour, and that he was committed to fixing that problem, not to the required time.
That technologist stopped working after eight days. He said to himself that he should think deeply about what he had done, and that he must have committed a sin. He was a righteous man (so he called himself to account), and he apologized to that factory owner. He sat alone by himself and called himself to account. He started to ask himself about the sin that he must have committed, and which made him fail in fixing the problem. He tried to recall what happened during that period, so he remembered those harsh words he said proudly and arrogantly to that factory owner: "I have no need of you but you are in need of me, so if you want me to fix it then you have to pay that amount of money." He asked for Allah's Forgiveness, he repented to Him, and he paid Sadaqah (voluntary charity) as an act of atonement for his sin. The technologist swore by Allah that on the ninth or on tenth day, he was able to fix that problem in just a quarter of an hour. Everything came out right in the end, and the problem was fixed.
You should call yourself to account. It was mentioned in the relic:
((No man is scratched by a thorn, or stumbles, or has a twitching in a vein, except for a sin, and what Allah forgives is greater.))
This is the Muslims' situation nowadays:
The wise one is he who reproaches himself and acts in preparation for what is after death; and the foolish person is the one who subdues himself to his temptations and desires and seeks from Allah the fulfillment of his vain desires. This is the situation of Muslims nowadays; they follow their desires. Nevertheless, they repeat the following Duaa (invocation): O Our Lord, have mercy upon us, O Our Lord, forgive us our sins, O Our Lord, honor us and do not test us, O Allah, we seek nothing but Your Bounty. Actually, this Duaa is meaningless if those who utter it are not upright upon the Straight Path of Allah or adhering to His Orders. It is pointless if those who make it have no intention to repent, rather they keep committing sins. Man should please Allah by his righteous deeds and not by his words.
One of the signs of faith:
Anas, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet PBUH said:
((Profusely mention death, as it effaces your sins and makes you give up worldly pleasures. It is never mentioned during the time of need but would make one feel content, and never mentioned during prosperity but would make one feel restricted.))
When the wealthy person dies, his death notice will be pasted on the street walls, all of his possessions will become sh3er', even his own private objects such as precious gifts. In addition to that, his own vehicle which he allowed no one to drive will be used by sh3er. After someone's death, his house will be inherited by other people, his wife may marry another man and his children may forget him after a while. Therefore, the reflection of death should be ever present in the mind of man. Whoever believes in Almighty Allah and reconciles with Him, will not be terribly afraid of death. The fear of death is closely related to sins; the proof is mentioned in the following Noble Ayah:"Say (O Muhammad PBUH): "O you Jews! If you pretend that you are friends of Allah, to the exclusion of (all) other mankind, then long for death if you are truthful."
If you have good relation with Allah and if you are a real believer who performs righteous deeds, you will not be terrified by death, whereas, the one who does wrong to himself or to sh3er abhors death.((Profusely mention death, as it effaces your sins and makes you give up worldly pleasures. It is never mentioned during the time of need but would make one feel content, and never mentioned during prosperity but would make one feel restricted.))
Make a thoughtful pause here:
Once, the Prophet, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him passed by a group of people who were laughing loudly- like when some people are having a picnic, they laugh unreasonably, talk loudly and sometimes make silly gestures and comments- so he PBUH said:
((If those people knew what they will face in the Hereafter, they would not laugh like this. If you knew what I know, you would laugh little and weep much.))
Man should bear in mind that he will be called to accurate account in the Hereafter, and he will either go to Paradise or to the Hell forever, which is really a scary and fateful thing. Our master Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, said: "How can a man be full of hope while death will definitely come to him?! How can he be heedless of Allah while Allah the Almighty never neglects him?! And how can he laugh loudly while he does not know whether Allah is pleased or displeased with him?!"What did the Prophet advise those whom he passed by?
The Prophet, may Allah have peace and blessings passed by a group of people who were laughing loudly, so he PBUH said:((Abundantly remember the destroyer of worldly pleasures in your meetings.))
In most cases, those who are over forty or fifty find that half of their acquaintances whom are the same age of theirs are dead. When you hear about a man who died at the age of ninety or one hundred and you are at the age of fifty, you may say that death will not come to you soon. However, when the people who are the same age as yours die, you will say the following right words: "You are the antecedents while we are your followers." It was said: whoever becomes at the age of forty has become too close to death. If someone goes on a journey for a certain period of time, then two-thirds of the time pass, he will dedicate the remaining time to get himself ready to return to his homeland. Wherever you travel, if your journey is about ten days, you will start to think about the preparation for getting back to your own country on the seventh day. You will buy the return ticket, collect your luggage, buy gifts, choose the suitable vehicle and so on. As the 7th day passes, your thinking will be reversed; you will start to think about the preparation for travelling back to the country where you work.
Thus, whoever reaches the age of forty should think about the acts of preparation for death as he comes closer to it at this age.
According to Allah's deep Wisdom, there are innumerous kinds of death; death may come to someone out of sudden, it may occur because of an illness which kept someone bedridden for thirty years and it may put an end to the life of a healthy strong person.
What do you deduce from this example?
Today, I delivered a lecture in one of Damascus Masajids, and I gave an example which received people's approval. I will repeat that example: let us imagine that there is a racecourse in a wide road which includes ten lanes, and there are a thousand cars in that race. They are of different kinds, of different sizes from the largest to the smallest cars, of different brands from the most famous to the less famous ones, and of different engine power from the most powerful engines to the weakest ones. All those cars enter this race, but at the end of these ten lanes there is a wall which is fifty meters high, so all these different kinds of cars will definitely stop right there. Such a wall put a similar end for all these cars. Likewise, death puts an end for the lives of all people.
The causes of death may vary but death is the same:
A patient asked a doctor about the success rate of a surgical operation, and the doctor answered him that it is 80%. That patient refused to have the operation, because he thought the success rate should be 100%. Then, the doctor told him, "If the success rate of any operation were 100%, then no one would die!"
Sometimes man may die for the simplest reason, such as a tonsillectomy surgery. Once, a prominent official wanted to choose the best gynecologist to assist his wife while giving birth to her first child. Since all gynecologists were under his control, he was looking for the most skilled gynecologist, who enjoys excellent reputation, has high morals and has extensive experience. After a month, he could find the doctor he was looking for. However, his wife died while she was giving birth to her baby. Unlike the situation of this woman, a nomadic woman may give birth to her child while she is moving from one place to another without any medical assistance, and she may cut the umbilical cord by two stones!
The reflection of death should be ever present in your mind:
Death is unpredictable; a fifteen-year-old child may die suddenly.I know a family who lost two sons in a traffic accident. The first one was 23 and the second one was 22 years old. Every human being will die, and the wise person is the one who gets himself prepared to this inevitable event. I repeat the Hadith that I mentioned previously:
((Abundantly remember the destroyer of worldly pleasures in your meetings. They said: O Messenger of Allah, what is the destroyer of worldly pleasures? He PBUH said: it is death.))
We should take death into consideration.
How strange!!!
A prescription for everyone:
((Remember death more often and you will forget about your troubles.))
Consider the following words of common people which are really significant: "Whenever your breast is straitened and restricted, you should visit the graves."I'd like to advise everyone of my brother in faith to go to the hospital to visit patients there or to go to a graveyard. After you see how great the sufferings of other people, you will come back home with a feeling of tranquility. All of us have many things to do in the future, but we may die before accomplishing all our plans. When the Prophet, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him, felt that his companions, may Allah be pleased with them, were heedless of Allah for a short time, he used to say to them:
((Death is definitely about to come to you, then you will either find eternal misery or eternal happiness.))
When man's soul is overwhelmed with this worldly life, and it refuses to adhere to Allah's Order, then thinking about death is the best cure for it.
Have you ever thought about this moment?
A friend of mine died in an accident, and when I wanted to see him in the hospital he was put in the mortuary. I asked a doctor there to let me see him, and he did. When he opened the mortuary door, it was really a dreadful scene. I saw some stainless steel shelves, full of dead bodies, and I could see from their clothes that some of them were rich people, sh3er were poor and sh3er were workmen.A real incident:
Once, I was on my way to Morocco, and when the plane flew over Tunisia we had to wait an hour at Tunis airport. While I was sitting in the plane beside the window, I saw an entrance that was opposite to my window. The entrance was for goods and luggage, but a coffin had to enter through it. What drew my attention is that the coffin had to get customs clearance exactly like goods. That dead body had been treated as a human being when he was alive, but after his death he was treated like goods which had to obtain customs clearance. I would like to remind you once again what the Prophet, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him, used to say when he felt that his companions, may Allah be pleased with them, were heedless of Allah for a short time:((Death is definitely about to come to you, then you will either find eternal misery or eternal happiness.))
Moving from palaces to graves:
A moral lesson:
A man built a villa in Aleppo in 1974 which cost about thirty five million liras. Its ground was covered with Onyx marble which cost five million liras, and it was built by foreign experts, so it was really a piece of wonder. The owner of this villa died at the age of forty-two. He was a tall man, and according to Allah's Wisdom, the size of his grave did not fit him. Therefore, the gravedigger was obliged to curve the back backwards.Immutable fact:
A wealthy man will ask a skilled carpenter to carve the wood of his bedroom, but when he dies, a gravedigger will dig his grave. Once, I attended the burial ceremony of one of my noble brother in faith. He used to be fairly smart, but when they put a tile over his grave, a space of four cm was left between his body and that tile. Thus, when they covered his grave with soil, many kilos of soil fell down on his body. There is an immutable fact that no one can deny; after one hundred years, no one of us will remain alive. May Allah prolong your life, and grant you good health, dutiful children and righteous deeds. No matter how long we may live, all of us will die one day. All of us will be buried in the ground, and nothing will benefit us except our good deeds. No one is an exception, so everyone will definitely die. Allah the Almighty says:"Verily, you (O Muhammad PBUH) will die and verily, they (too) will die."
This word will be said about every dead person:
I remember a story, which I will never forget, and I would like to tell you about it. Once, I attended a meeting, and I had a religious talk with my friends. One of the attendees admired that talk, so he invited all the attendees to an evening meeting in his house. We decided to hold an evening meeting once a week to have such talks, and every meeting had to be held in one of our friend's house. That man was wealthy and he owned many factories. He was a well-known merchant and his house was luxurious. One day he left the factory to get back home, but he could not remember the location of it as he was suffering from partial amnesia. He only remembered where his son lived, so he went to him and asked him where his house was. After a period of time, his son told me that he died, so I went to his house. That son asked a great Islamic scholar to deliver an eulogistic speech before the funeral prayer for his dead father. I expected that this talk would last for quarter of an hour, but he only said: "Dear brother in faith, you brother has died. Please, ask Allah to have mercy upon him. This brother used to make adhan (the call to prayer.)" I thought the scholar would speak about that man for half an hour. If he had intended to mention his wealth, his luxurious house and his factories, he would have spoken for two hours. When someone dies, you will never speak about his house, his travels, his elegant furniture, his refined taste and so on, rather you only speak about his righteous deeds. That noble scholar said that whenever that wealthy man came to the Masjid, he used to ask him to call for prayer instead of the Muezzin, because he had a pleasant voice.When man is buried in his grave, he will not mention to Allah the great plaster decorations in his house. He will not tell Him that he used to have three cars: the first one was luxurious and it was for travelling, the second one was a small car so it was driven inside the city and the third car was for driving to the factory. He will never speak about his movable and immovable bank balances and properties, or about having three or five phone lines in his factory. The only thing that you will be allowed to mention is your good deed.
What the Prophet used to do when he felt that people were heedless of Allah:
When the Prophet, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him, felt that people became heedless of Allah, he used to stand next to the door of the Masjid and repeat the following for three times: "O people of Islam, death will definitely come to you. It will give rest to those who are real worshippers of Allah." Who are the people who will be granted immortal life in Paradise? They are those who exert the effort due to it. "Every seeker has a purpose, and the inevitable end of every seeker is death." man dies either before sh3er or after them.The Prophet, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him, said:
((Death is enough as an Admonition.))
A painful fact:
It breaks my heart when I see people who follow the funeral procession are preoccupied with their worldly affairs. That was exactly what happened during one of the funeral processions that I follow; two men were walking beside me and talking about their business contracts and deals. One of them said that someone took of some of his money, so he will do the same thing to him! How could they follow a funeral procession that headed from the the Masjid, where the funeral prayer was performed, to the cemetery and all they are busy with is their accounts, trades and business deals!Our master Saad, may Allah be pleased with him, said: "There are three situations where my manliness expresses itself, while in other situations I behave like other people do. One of which is that whenever I follow a funeral procession, I never think about anything other than death until I leave it."
A joke:
Those who are alive still have time to repent or to perform righteous deeds. When you wake up you should be grateful to Almighty Allah, for He gives you a chance to live for another day. Al-Hassan Al-Basri said:
"Not a day comes from the days of this world but says: O people, I am a new day, I am a witness for the deeds performed during my stay. If my sun sets, I will not return until the Day of Resurrection!"
We benefit from seeing the dead:
Once, my friends and I went to the Faculty of Medicine, and we wanted, out of curiosity, to see the place where the human anatomy dissection is performed. An employee showed me the place in which 20 to 30 bodies were put in a certain solution. The hand of one of these bodies protruded from the solution, the leg of the other one protruded and the head of the third one protruded. What attracted my attention most was a stick with a hook at one end, so I asked that employee about its function, and he said that it was used to pull out those bodies one by one. The dead body was a human being who had a house, children and a wife. He might be an awesome or a handsome gentleman who used to eat certain kind of food, used to have many meetings and used to go for many excursions. Nevertheless, after his death, he became a body which is pulled and lifted with a stick that has a hook.It is useful for everyone of us to see the dead and follow a funeral procession of someone even if he is not one of your acquaintances. When they open the coffin and carry the dead man, you will see how one of his legs is joined to the other in his shroud. You will see how the deceased will be end up in the grave. Verily, this is the final fate of all of us.
Who is the foolish person?
Once I attended the washing of a deceased person, and I watched how the dead body was shrouded after being washed. Then, the man who washed him brought a cloth, cut it by his teeth to make it longer and then he immersed it in water in order to hold the body of the dead person tightly. He wrapped it firmly around the legs of the dead, and fastened it tightly so that it would not loosen until it wore out. This is the meaning of the Noble Ayah below in which Allah the Almighty says:
"And leg will be joined with another leg (shrouded) * The drive will be, on that Day, to your Lord (Allah)! * So he (the disbeliever) neither believed (in this Quran, in the Message of Muhammad PBUH) nor prayed! * But on the contrary, he belied (this Quran and the Message of Muhammad PBUH) and turned away!"
I heard about a man who had performed no Salah for thirty-five years, nor had he performed Hajj or Umrah although he used to live in Jeddah. He died where he used to live leaving behind five thousand million liras. When man lives with no goal in his life, he is a foolish one. All his fortune which he is busy in making during his life will become worthless the minute death comes to him.No one knows when or how he will die:
It was narrated that an unjust Sultan wanted to punish the chief carpenter, so he asked him to do something which was beyond his capacity. He ordered the carpentered to bring him one hundred bags of sawdust in a short period of time, or he would be killed. That quantity needed two years to be piled up, so the carpenter realized that he would die. He wrote his Wasiyah (will), and he made farewell to his children. At dawn, there was a knock at his door, so he gave his children a farewell kiss thinking that he would be definitely killed. When he opened the door, they told him that the Sultan had died, and they wanted him to make a coffin for him.It was said: "Glory to Allah who has subdued His servants by death." Man does not know when or how he will die. A man travelled to USA on an official mission, but while he was sitting on a seat at the airport he died. He travelled for twenty hours by the plane, but he died at the airport in Washington. Listen to this story, a young man proposed to a girl, but he died before making the marriage contract leaving enormous amounts of money. That girl wished that he had made the marriage contract, so she would have inherited a considerable amount of money.
A question which was addressed to the Prophet PBUH:
The Prophet, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him, was asked:" O Messenger of Allah! Will anyone be resurrected with the martyrs?" He PBUH said: "Yes, those who remember death day and night"
Allah the Almighty says:
"Who has created death and life, that He may test you which of you is best in deed. And He is the All-Mighty, the Oft-Forgiving;"
Also, when the Prophet, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him, was asked about those who perform the best righteous deed he PBUH said:((Those who remember death most, act in preparation for it and are most aware of it.))
The meaning of the following Hadith:
A man came to the Prophet, may Allah have peace and blessings upon him, and asked him: O Messenger of Allah, why do I hate death? The Prophet PBUH said to him: "Do you have money?" That man replied in the affirmative, so the Prophet PBUH said:
" Send it ahead of you (by paying Zakah and Sadaqah), as the heart of the believer is attached to his money, so if he sends it ahead he will like to follow it, while if he keeps it back, he will hate to leave it.))
Consider the situation of a man who lost hope of earning money in his own country so he wanted to live abroad. He sold his house, his car, his factory, and everything he owned and sent all his money to the new country where he wanted to live. At the airport he presented his passport to get permission to leave his country. At last he boarded a plane. I think that being in the plane was the happiest moment in life of that man, because he had sent his money ahead. Likewise, when the believer sends his money ahead he will be pleased to follow it, but when he keeps it back, he will hate to leave it.
(( as the heart of the believer is attached to his money, so if he sends it ahead he will like to follow it, while if he keeps it back, he will hate to leave it.))
Death is enough as an Admonition:
Abu Ad-Dardaa, may Allah be pleased with him, used to say: "Death is enough as an Admonition, and time is enough as a separator." Today we are in our houses but tomorrow we will be in our graves. Take a look at your room which maybe four meters in length, four meters in width and three meters and a half in height. It is painted, and there is a chandelier, a comfortable seat, a telephone and a comfortable bed. You live in a house which contains a dining room, a guest room, a kitchen and a bathroom. However, after death, your 200m2 house will be replaced with a grave which is 65 cm in width and 180 cm in length. It has no paint, no marble, no ceramic tiles, no aluminum, no bronze and nothing whatsoever but the ground of the grave where you will lay. Whoever remembers death frequently will leave joy and envy, as death is enough reason to give up the adornments of this worldly life and seek the reward of the Hereafter.
Prepare yourself for death before it comes to you:
The Prophet, may Allah have and blessings upon him, said to one of his companions:
((Prepare yourself for death before it comes to you.))
While I was once in Fez city in Morocco, I visited an Islamic region where there were narrow streets and a very famous Masjid. I read the following sentence written on plaques in some shops: "Perform your prayer before sh3er perform the funeral prayer for you."
Some scholars quoted the following poem:
No one estimates death accurately
except he who does not think that he will live for tomorrow.
How often a man was alive at the beginning of a day
but he died even before the sun set,
and how often a man hoped to live for tomorrow
but he died before its sun rose .
Had you realized the reality of death,
you would have given up hope and its delusion.
Also, some scholars said: "Reflect on your actions; whatever you want to accompany you in the Hereafter, send it ahead, and whatever you hate to accompany you in the Hereafter, give it up now." Leave whatever makes you hate death, so that it will not do any harm to you whenever death comes to you.