- Islamic creed
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- Creed and Quran Miraculousness
Dear brother, this is lesson number 32 of the series Creed and the Inimitability of Quran
Every man is assigned to worship his Lord:
Time was the topic of the previous lecture as one of the constituents of the Divine Assignment. I repeat what I said then: Man is assigned to worship his Lord, and worshiping is a voluntary obedience, which is mixed with heartedly love, that is based on certainty, and it leads to everlasting happiness. When Allah assigned man to worship Him, He provided him with the constituents to help him fulfill his assignment, among which He has subjected the universe to him making it a manifestation of Allah's Existence, Oneness and Perfection, He has given him reasoning with which he is able to get acquainted with Almighty Allah, He has given him Fitrah (an inborn natural predisposition which cannot change, and which exists at birth in all human beings. It is inclined towards right action and submission to Allah, the One Deity) with which he can tell right from wrong, He has installed lusts in him so that they motivate him in life, He has provided him with the free will according to which his deeds will be Divinely valued and then He has given him time which is the container of his deeds.
The good deed is the inevitable fruit of faith:
Dear brother, there should be fruits reaped after having faith. Thus, after you believe in Allah, in His Messengers, peace be upon them, in His Books, and in the Hereafter, after you believe in Allah as a Creator, an Educator, a Manager of affairs and a Lord Who exists, Who is Perfect and Who is the only One, and after you believe in His Beautiful Names and Exalted Attributes, what comes next?![](/images/articles/inside/1706066210.jpg)
﴾[Iblis (Satan)] said: "By Your Might,﴿
He also said:
﴾ (Iblis) said: "Allow me respite till the Day they are raised up (i.e. the Day of Resurrection)." ﴿
In another Ayah, he said:
﴾ You created me from fire ﴿
﴾Iblis said: "I am better than him (Adam), You created me from fire, and him You created from clay."﴿
Your faith must be fruitful; otherwise your faith will never count. Your faith must be reflected in good deeds which are the normal outcome of true faith. By the time the faith settles in the believer's heart, it starts expressing itself in the believer's movement. Thus, you see him taking a specific stance, giving the poor, withdrawing other people, strengthening ties with some people, severing ties with other people, getting satisfied in Allah's Cause and getting angry for the Sake of Allah Alone.
There is a kind of faith which is passive and it is embodied in the passive admiration, and glorification, and whose faith is like this changes nothing, keeps inactive, supports no one, takes no stance, never protests and never approves the right thing, so he is passive. In fact Unfortunately, this is the situation of the majority of Muslims, and most of them are either passively cocooned without participating in anything, or they are negative enough to such a point that they do nothing.
Man should offer a good deed with which he might be admitted to Paradise:
By the time the true faith settles in the believer's heart, it will be presented in the believer's movement making him visit a patient, offer a piece of advice to a brother, feed a hungry person, attend a religious session, guide the heedless, reconcile between two people or support an orphan. Therefore, there is a useful movement when one's faith is true, and without this movement, one's faith is meaningless.
The passive believer is like the person, who has a skin disease, and to cure this disease he should expose his skin to the sun rays, but instead, he stays in a dark damp room and keeps saying, "How shining and curing this sun is!" Saying these words will do him no good even if he keeps saying them till the Day of Resurrection, and this person will never be cured unless he moves and exposes his skin to the sun. Allah, Glorified and Sublime be He, says:
﴾Say (O Muhammad PBUH): "I am only a human being like you. It is inspired in me ﴿
The entire Quran is summarized in the following Ayah:
﴾Say (O Muhammad PBUH): "I am only a man like you. It has been inspired to me that your Ilah (God) is One Ilah (God i.e. Allah). So whoever hopes for the Meeting with his Lord, let him work righteousness﴿
If you long to meet Allah, Glorified and Sublime be He, then offer a good deed. What is the only thing man regrets when he is about to die?
﴾My Lord! Send me back* So that I may do good﴿
You are a moving creature, and your movement should be towards offering a good deed, and the vessel of the good deeds is time which frames everything you do.
The good deed emerges from motivations, aims at goals:
Dear brother, offering a good deed should not be occasional, accidental or temporary, but rather it should be urged by certain motivations to achieve goals, and it is the result of collaboration between believers. Offering good deeds is the greatest matter in life, and it is the purpose of your creation, because it will be the price you pay to enter Paradise.
After believing in Allah, there is nothing as important as offering a good deed. Faith does not mean to be self-centered, to be isolated, to be passive or to be inactive. If you are such a person you will say, "It is not my business" if there is a disagreement between your sister and her husband, for instance. If you are respected by her and her husband then try to mend things between them.
The following example is far from our topic, but did the interference of a Khaliji country to solve Lebanon civil war not brought comfort to all people there? If only we had settled our own conflicts, the whole world would have had a different stance towards us. Faith should never be reflected in isolation or passivity, but it should be presented as a clean and good movement and a positive and purposeful action. Also, it should make the world more balanced, and it should be a high edifice like a mountain, because this kind of movement (that's based on faith) is for the Sake of Allah, and it befits the Method of Allah. May Allah have mercy on the soul of Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz, who said, "Day and night consume you."
Frankly, a believer without deeds will not have any weight in the Sight of Allah. It does not befit a believer to spend his life in eating, drinking, staying late at night, watching soaps, laughing, having fun in his gatherings or going for picnics, till something takes him by surprise like a clot in his blood or a heart attack which will put him in the ICU. Such a believer will say:
﴾My Lord! Send me back* So that I may do good﴿
The good deed exalts man on the Day of Resurrection:
Dear brother, the day and night consume you, so offer a good deed. Let me be frank with you and with my own self; thousands of the things people do are done for their own benefits, such as buying clothes, buying food, dwelling in a house, decorating it, getting married or having children. All of which are familiar things which all people do with no exception. Is any deed of these is done for the![](/images/articles/inside/1706066216.jpg)
By Allah dear brother, if man reviews his deeds trying to find a good deed that he offered, he will find himself short of good deeds, because most of what he does in life falls within his tangible interests and there is nothing for the Sake of Allah.
The good deed derives its value from the expansion and deepness of its effect:
Dear brother, what kind of a good deed have you done? Is it feeding the hungry, calling people to Allah, writing an Islamic book, of reconciling between people? What kind of good deed have you done? If we want to evaluate the good deed, we will consider how influential it is. For instance, the Prophet PBUH is one person who came to this world and left it after he called his people to Allah during few years. He PBUH died after he chose the Supreme Comrade (i.e. Allah), but if you go now to China, you will find 50 million Muslims, if you go to any country in Africa you will find that the percentage of Muslims there is 90% in some countries and 80% in sh3er, and if you go anywhere in the entire world, you will find Muslims, and Islam keeps spreading.
Therefore, the effect spectrum of the Prophet's call (Da'wah) PBUH is very wide, and it covers almost one fourth of the earth. Besides, the number of Muslims is one fourth of the populations on earth (Muslims are one billion and 500 million while the entire population on earth is six billions). Hence, one person (i.e. the Messenger of Allah) conveyed Islam which spread from Morocco and the Atlantic Ocean all the way to China. Thus, one of the evaluations of a good deed is how wide its spectrum is. Some deeds end after an hour, like feeding a hungry person who will eat a meal you offered him. He will thank you and that is it. If your deed is to teach another person, then whenever this person makes use of your knowledge he will make Dua' for you.
One of our brother, who died, may Allah have mercy on his soul, happened to be a confectioner, and one day a non-Muslim from a very far city entered his store and asked him, "Will you teach me your craft (i.e. how to make cakes)?" Our brother said to him, "Sure", and he took him inside, welcomed him and made a cake in front of him, and the man wrote the recipe, but he was not satisfied, so he asked confectioner to make another kind of sweets in front of him. That man swore to us that the non-Muslim kept visiting him for 30 years just to thank him (he is from AlHasakah which is one of the farthest cities in Syria). He taught him how to make a cake and provided him with a craft from which the man made a living without even asking him where he was from. This is how the true servant of Allah treats people. Allah says:
﴾and let not the enmity and hatred of sh3er make you avoid justice. Be just: that is nearer to piety,﴿
A dentist once told me that a patient came to his clinic for orthodontic treatment, but being teacher her income was limited. She said that whenever she smiled people laughed at her as her teeth were defected, and when she knew that mending them would cost her a lot of money, she apologized to the dentist saying that she could not continue the treatment because it was costly. Nevertheless, he said to her, "Will you accept this treatment as a present from me?" She said to him, "May Allah reward you". He swore to me that he spent the next 6 months (while he was treating her) as if he were living in Paradise just because of that deed he offered for the Sake of Allah.
Serving others is stored for man by Allah till the Day of Resurrection:
Have you ever offered a deed without receiving any praising, any money or any benefit seeking by that deed Allah's Countenance? Have you ever served anyone for the Sake of Allah? These are the![](/images/articles/inside/1706066221.jpg)
The evaluation of the deed is also done according to how deep their effect is in man's soul. Someone may attend a religious lesson, but he remains religiously uncommitted. He may hear a hundred times that playing backgammon is impermissible, yet he might say to you, "We got bored last evening, so we played backgammon till 2 after midnight". He knows it is forbidden to play such a game, but he does not care. This means that the effect of the religion did not penetrate deep in his soul and makes him pious. On the other hand, a piece of advice to someone might affect him very deeply. The good deed is the one which lasts for a long time, expands to a far distance and influences the soul deeply. Whoever has done such a deed, then congratulation, for it lasts for a long time, it extends for a wide area and its influence is deep.
At the end of days, man's reward increases when societies get corrupted:
What is the connection between our era's properties and good deeds? Our era has so many distractions and obstacles. In the fifties of the twentieth century, there were no distractions, and nothing attracts one's attention while going back and forth from home to school, but nowadays you have the home, the school and a street which is full of half-naked women, the internet where there are pornography websites, TV channels, and obscene magazines. All these are but distractions, and there are difficulties which you may have in the household or at work which may prevent you from obeying Allah. Since the distractions in our era are so many and they distract you from obeying Allah, good deeds amid them will be highly rewarded by Allah.
(("I wish I could see my brother, (the Companions said): "Are not we your brother O Prophet of Allah?" He replied: "No, you are my Companions. My brother are those who come after me and believe in me without seeing me. You have many supports for doing good and they have many supports for doing evil.))
In another narration the Prophet PBUH said:
((One day Prophet Muhammad PBUH stood among his companions and said, "I miss my lovers," so the companions were taken by surprise and asked in response "O Messenger of Allah, aren't we your lovers?" He PBUH said, "No, you are my companions, my lovers are people who come at the end of times when the one who is holding on to his religion is like one holding on to hot coal. His reward equals the one of seventy men." The companions asked, "Seventy men of them or of us?" The Prophet PBUH answered, "Seventy men of you, because you find who helps you do the good, while they will not."))
The good deed is the greatest thing which comes after believing in Allah:
Let us talk frankly, dear brother:
﴾then seek refuge in the Cave﴿
The cave might be conceptual, so it could be your house where there is nothing displeasing or inciting lusts, and it could mean the Masjid you attend.
Dear brother, the obstacles and distractions in our era are so many, so one's reward will increase because obeying Allah is highly rewarded in the corrupted society, and when matters are instable, the rulers are tyrants, the powerful people are unjust, the rich people spend lavishly, the scholars are not sincere, the sins prevail, Al-Munkar (evil doing) emerges and Al-Ma'roof (good deeds) disappears.
((Worship during the time of harj [a time of turmoil and killing] is like emigration towards me))
We live in the time of Fitnah (corruption).
Dear brother, do your best to make your good deeds more effective and more long lasting, because after you believe in Allah, there is no other greater deed in your life than a good deed with which you meet Allah, and which is not done for your own worldly advantages. The Almighty Allah says:
﴾and that I may do righteous good deeds that will please You,﴿
What is the good deed which pleases Allah? It is the sincere and the right one; sincere means it is done for the Sake of Allah only, and right means it accords with the Sunnah. Ask yourself every evening, have you done any good deed during the today? Have you fed a hungry person? Have you give clothes to a needy person? Have you visited a patient? Have you visited your friend for Allah's Sake? Have you spent your money in the Cause of Allah? Have you offered any good deed? Did you strengthen ties with your kin? Have you published an article in which you call people to Allah? All these things are good deeds.
Man's success lies in having a good deed which extends after his death:
Dear brother, I am obliged to covey to you the following crucial fact: The best good deeds are the ones that last after your death. Lots of scholars died, but their religious lectures are broadcasted everyday as if they are still alive. I think that their bodies have decomposed by now but their lectures are broadcasted in most of media means. On the other hand, there are singers who died and decomposed, yet their songs are still broadcasted every day. The first group (scholars) are getting rewards (though they are dead) from their broadcasted lectures, whereas the other group (singers) are getting sins (though they are dead) from their broadcasted songs. Therefore, your![](/images/articles/inside/1706066227.jpg)
((When a man dies, his deeds come to an end, except for three: A continuous charity, knowledge by which people derive benefit and a pious son who prays for him))
Most people have children, but who among the parents are keen on making his child a scholar and a Da'iyah (caller to Allah)? Who have been looking after his son for that purpose? Who is keen on his child's Aqidah? Who is keen on his child's faith, manners, religion or religious knowledge? Are you making the needed effort while bringing up your son? Having a son, who calls people to Allah, makes the father have an indescribable feeling of contentment.
((When a man dies, his deeds come to an end, except for three: A continuous charity, knowledge by which people derive benefit and a pious son who prays for him))
The most miserable person is the one whose deeds come t an end after his death:
When man's deeds come to an end upon dying, he will be in remorse. Who is the most miserable person? He is the one whose deeds come to an end after his death. Thus, be keen on offering a deed that continues after you death. I delivered once a very successful Khutbah which I took from Al-Qurtubi's interpretation of the Quran. This interpretation was written 1000 years ago, yet my Khutbah made people praised it a lot as they were impressed. I said to myself, "Glory be to Allah, the reward of this Khutbah will be added to AlQurtubi's record, who wrote the interpretation I depend on in my Khutbah. Have you written a religious book, have you called people to Allah, or have you built a religious institution, a religion collage, an orphanage, a clinic? In other words, have you had a good deed that will last after your death?
Dear brother, offering a good deed is the purpose of your existence on earth. The Prophet PBUH went into details concerning this point in another Hadith:
((The good deeds that will reach a believer after his death are: knowledge which he learned and then spread; a righteous son whom he leaves behind; a copy of the Quran that he leaves as a legacy; a mosque that he built; a house that he built for wayfarers; a canal that he dug; or charity that he gave during his lifetime when he was in good health. These deeds will reach him after his death.))
Every person should think about offering a deed which continues after his death:
Whatever deed that continues after your death is considered one of the greatest deeds. Seriously, I hope that each one of you would think about a continuous deed that goes on after his death. In fact, the nature of the continuous deeds is Da'wah oriented. When you help people be guided on the Right Path, their good deeds will be recorded in your book, the good deeds of your offspring will be added to yours in your book and the deeds of the people who follow them as well. Hence, dear brother:
((Whosoever introduces a good practice in Islam, there is for him its reward and the reward of those who act upon it after him without anything being diminished from their rewards. And whosoever introduces an evil practice in Islam, will shoulder its sin and the sins of all those who will act upon it, without diminishing in any way their burden.))
When you wake up think of offering a good deed:
((For the one whose intention is the Hereafter, Allah will gather for him his affairs, place contentment in his heart and the world will come to him willingly. As for the one, whose concern is this world, Allah will scatter his affairs, place poverty between his two eyes and he will not get from the world except what is written for him))
Unfortunately, the first thought each one has in the morning after he wakes up is, "What will we eat?" Have you ever thought of offering Al-Fajr after you listened to the Azan (the call for prayer)? When our Master Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, was stabbed (while he was praying), and he was about to die, do you know what he said? He asked those around him, "Did Muslims offer Al-Fajr? His concern was very transcendental, for the true believer should have exalted concerns which revolve around obeying Allah, spreading the word of the truth and stressing the Islamic values.
Time does not count and what counts is the good deed:
Dear brother, woe and woe to those who died, but their sins and errors continued after their death. If you write a book full of misconceptions then you die, the misguidance of the person, who reads it, who is affected by its ideas and who is corrupted accordingly, will be recorded in your book. Hence, having a publishing house is a very serious job to do, because you can repent of any sin you commit, but if you publish a book full of misguidance and misconceptions, you will not be able to stop its prevailing effect.
Congratulation to those who died and people are guided by their books. There is an outstanding saying by Ibn Ata' Allah Al-Iskandari, "A lifetime might be too long in time but poor in deeds, whereas another lifetime might be short in time but rich in deeds. The one, who is blessed with benediction in his lifetime, will achieve in a short period of time what cannot be described or done by sh3er."
In order to elaborate this concept, let me say that the lifetime (which might extend to 60, 70, 80 or maybe 40 years) is like the working hours in a store. Someone may work for 12 hours but he sells goods at 500 Liras only, whereas another one may work in his store for one hour, but he sells goods at 5000 Liras, so who makes more money? Actually time is irrelevant here and what really counts is how much money you make. Sometimes a bargain, which is closed in only 15 minutes, might bring 8 millions; while in other times staying in your store for 10 straight hours will not bring you more than 500 Liras even though you might have bent over backwards to sell your goods to the customers.
Much in the same line, the deeds are what counts not the time. Hence, when someone says to another, "May Allah make your life longer", actually the lifetime will never extend more than its fixed time, but it might be blessed with benediction which might fill the same lifetime with lots of good deeds, or it might not.
Ibn Badees is one of the most notable scholars in Algeria. He lived less than 50 years just like AshShafi'i who also lived less than 50 years. Ibn Badees was very modest in eating food to an unbelievable point. Also, he used to sleep only two hours every day, and he was able to spread an awakening call among all Algerians to resist the European occupation relaying on the religious perspective and values, and the Algerians could be victorious. Thus, every Algerian talks about him until now, because he restored the people's faith, he set a good example for them and he faced the entire Europe. Hence, man sometimes might have a good beginning, but his good deeds would never put an end to his reputation. "A lifetime might be short in time but rich in deeds". Other people might live more than 90 years, but they leave nothing behind after their death. An-Nawawi lived less than 50 years, but he left behind countless books among which are Riyad As-Saliheen (the Gardens of the Righteous), Shareh Saheeh Muslim (Explaining Saheeh Muslim), Al-Fiqh Al-Kabeer (the Great Jurisprudence) and Bughyat Al-Hajj (The Purpose of the Hajj [Pilgrim]).
Guiding someone to the Right Path is the greatest deed ever:
Dear brother, offering a good deed is the purpose of our existence and the reason behind it. The most exalted deed is to guide a person to the Path of Allah.
((The Prophet PBUH said to Ali: "By Allah if Allah guides even one person through you that is better for you than possessing a whole lot of the rarest of camels (most valuable kind of camels)"))
In another narration, the Prophet PBUH said:
((…than everything over which the sun has risen.))
Also, in another narration, the Prophet PBUH said:
((…than the world and what it contains.))
Keep in mind that guiding a person to the Path of Allah entails efforts and kindness. Your kindness should open the heart of the one you intend to guide, so that he can open his mind to your words, and in fact kindness should precede explaining religious matters, and setting a good example should precede your Da'wah. The most effective means to convey Islam to sh3er is to apply it. Therefore, setting a good example precedes your Da'wah. Adopt the perfect Islamic manners and you will see that people will be influenced by you even though you might say nothing to them.
I know lots of real stories which support that fact. Your trustworthiness, honesty, perfecting your job, your chastity and your piety will be your means to guide people to Islam even though you might not say a word. Hence, setting a good example precedes your Da'wah, your kindness precedes your words, major matters precede minor ones, cherishing principles comes before cherishing people, contents come before titles and education comes before rebuking. These are rules to be followed by every Da'iyah. When you see another person follow the Right Path because of you, you will be in deep indescribable happiness. Be aware that this kind of good deeds is the one that lasts after your death. What is the meaning of Ummah (Islamic nation) in the following Ayah?
﴾Verily, Ibrahim (Abraham) was an Ummah (a leader having all the good righteous qualities)﴿
It means that his (i.e. Ibrahim) good deeds were as many as the good deeds of an entire Ummah. Accordingly, you should have your positive influence on every living soul.
Worldly life is the abode of the Divine Assignment:
Dear brother, life is the abode of offering deeds, not the abode of wishes, it is the abode of the Divine Assignment, not the abode of rewarding and honoring, and it is the abode of paying every available effort:
﴾ O man! Verily, you are returning towards your Lord with your deeds and actions (good or bad), a sure returning, so you will meet (i.e. the results of your deeds which you did). ﴿
One should strive in life.
In concise, nothing is more exalted than believing in Allah and offering a continuous good deed which spreads geographically and penetrates deep in souls. As long as the nature of your good deed is closer to Da'wah, then the possibility that it might continue after your death increases. Congratulation to those who died and people are still guided by their Da'wah through their books, and this is considered the mother of Graces of Allah upon any man.
Dear brother, next time we will continue discussing the good deed and will clarify and enrich the subject by other related issues insh' Allah.
The scientific topic:
Man's body is one of the signs which indicate Allah's Greatness:
Let us move to the scientific topic. Dear brother, your body is the closest sign of Allah to you:
﴾ Read! In the Name of your Lord* Who has created (all that exists)* Has created man from a clot (a piece of thick coagulated blood)* Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous* Who has taught (the writing) by the pen [the first person to write was Prophet Idrees (Enoch)], ﴿
Each one of you was a fertilized ovum from his mother's ovum and his father's sperm, and then this fertilized ovum divides and gives a whole baby after 9 months. This body has a head, a brain, hair, eyes, ears, a nose, a mouth, a tongue, an esophagus, a windpipe, a stomach, intestine, lungs, a pancreas, a liver, a bile duct, muscles, bones and skin. Who has created theme? Is there any greater sign than the ovum which is as small as a salt speck, but after 9 months it becomes a whole baby who cries, laughs, sees, hears, eats and gets hungry?
1- The grease substance in the fetus's intestine is one of the signs which indicate Allah's Greatness:
The entire digestive system is a big tube starting with the esophagus, then the stomach, then the![](/images/articles/inside/1706066232.jpg)
2- Due to Allah's Potency the infant has been provided with the reflex of suckling:
If you put the newborn baby's mouth on the mother's breast, the infant will suckle the milk spontaneously. The suckling reflex is a very complicated process, as the baby should latch on to the breast areola then suck, and so the milk comes out. This is what scientists call "suckling reflex"![](/images/articles/inside/1706066237.jpg)
Before the breast milk excretes and following birth, the mother's breast excretes a substance (colostrum) different from milk, and it melts the grease in the baby's intestine in order to turn it into a passable tube. Also, Allah has installed the suckling reflex in every infant with which it gets the milk by latching on to the breast areola, then closing the lips tightly and finally sucking air in order to get the breast's milk.
3- The automatic closing of the Potall opening between both auricles in the baby's heart occurs by Allah's Potency:
There is no air in the mother's womb, and the lungs of the embryo do not work when he is inside it, so Allah has created an opening between the upper chambers (the right and left atria in the heart) which is called the foramen ovale, and after birth, a blood clot seals this foramen, Whose hand has created it? It is the Hand of the Almighty Allah.![](/images/articles/inside/1706066243.jpg)
If this opening has not been closed there would have been no living soul on earth. The baby whose opening remains open will live for few years, and then it will die from angina. This happens to the baby, because the blood will not reach the lungs due to using this opening as a short cut instead. Whose Hand closes this foramen? All these are signs of the Greatness of Allah.
4- The contraction of the womb is friendly and concurrent during childbirth:
Hence, dear brother, your body is the closest (sign of Allah's Greatness) to you. Ponder over the foramen ovale, the suckling reflex and the colostrum which melts the grease in the intestine. Allah has created these wonders, so that man will live on earth. During delivery, the womb contracts gently and chronically, and first the contractions are one hour apart, then 50 minutes, then 40 minutes, then 10 minutes, then 5 minutes, and finally they will become one minute apart till the baby is born. Promptly after birth, the womb will contract severely and become hard as a rock, because the delivery of the baby cuts off tens of thousands of blood vessels, and this severe contraction will close all these open vessels. Had this sever contraction happened before the baby is born, it would have killed the baby by choking, and had it not happened following the delivery, the mother would have been died from bleeding.
﴾ Then He makes the Path easy for him; ﴿
The contractions of the womb prior delivery are chronic, fast and gentle in order to push the baby out of the womb, whereas these contractions become severe after the delivery in order to close all the open ruptured blood vessels. Therefore, when the doctor or the midwife feels that the womb after the delivery becomes as hard as rock, she says, "The delivery is successful and the mother is fine". On the other hand, if the womb is not hard as a rock, she will know that the mother is in danger and she might die from bleeding. Whose hand has created that?
﴾ Then He makes the Path easy for him* Then He causes him to die, and puts him in his grave* Then, when it is His Will, He will resurrect him (again)* Nay, but (man) has not done what He commanded him. ﴿