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Scientific Topics- Scientific Topics from Sermons- Lesson(217): Islamic Psychology
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

Introduction to Islamic psychology:

 Islamic psychology is, undoubtedly, a great and deeply rooted branch of knowledge, for it has firmly established relationships, rules, and laws. It is real psychology that has to do with you, dear reader, for you are a human being that have a psychic Self, which dwells in your physical body and which is eternal, immortal, and can be ennobled and corrupted. Islamic psychology means the facts about the human Self that are derived from Allah’s Book, the Holy Quran, and Prophetic Sunna.

Some psychological disorders in Islamic psychology:

1. Despair:

 Once a human being is connected to his Lord, Allah All-Mighty, he gets to know the reality of his own Self and his pure human nature. If he is disconnected from his Lord, Most Gracious, he suffers from what psychologists and psychiatrists call “psychological disorders”, one of which is despair. In this context, Allah, All-Mighty, says,

“And if We give man a taste of Mercy from Us and then withdraw it from him, verily, he is despairing, ungrateful.”

[XI; 9]

  He, Glory to Him, also says,

“And when We bestow Our Grace on man, he turns away and becomes arrogant. And when evil touches him, he is in great despair.”

[XVII; 83]

 Despair is a kind of psychological disorder caused by disconnection from Allah, Most Gracious. Disconnection from Allah is, in turn, caused by disbelief and the lack of connection with Him. However, a true believer is always optimistic and has confidence in what Allah has for him. To this effect, it has been rightly said, “If you desire to be the most powerful of all mankind, put your trust in Allah; if you desire to be the richest of all mankind, be more confident in what is in Allah’s Hands that what is in your own hands; and if you desire to be the noblest of all mankind, fear Allah and be dutiful to Him.”

2. Hypocrisy:

 Islamic psychologists consider hypocrisy as a psychological disorder caused by polytheism. In other words, if someone associates other gods with Allah in worship or disbelieves that there are other gods with Allah or that such gods have control over him and can do him good or harm, such misconception leads to a serious psychological disorder, namely hypocrisy. In this context, Allah, All-Mighty, says,

“And of mankind there are some (hypocrites) who say, ‘We believe in Allah and the Last Day,’ while in fact they do not believe. They (think to) deceive Allah and those who believe, while they only deceive themselves and perceive (it) not.”

[II; 8,9]

 Hypocrisy is, therefore, a psychological disorder caused by polytheism.

3. Frustration:

 Frustration results when one puts one’s hopes in sh3er than his Creator, Allah, All-Mighty, but then, he suddenly finds out that those in whom he has put his hopes have let him down. Such a feeling makes him seriously frustrated. To this effect, Allah, Most Gracious, says,

“And indeed it has been revealed to you (O Muhammad), as it was to those before you: ‘If you join sh3er with Allah in worship, then surely (all) your deeds will be foiled, and you will certainly be among the losers.’”

[XXXIX; 65]

 Frustration also comes when you disbelieve that something is so great and, therefore, you waste all your life for it. But you suddenly realize that it is nothing and that it can bring you no happiness.

4. Constant conflict and other diseases:

 Among psychological disorders caused by weakness of Faith and of lack of connection to Allah, Most Gracious, is that which is called “constant conflict”, which, if allowed to last long, turns into indifference, which is one of the psychological disorders of this modern age, which abounds in never-ending conflicts between the truth and falsehood, needs and values, the present world and the Hereafter, and logic and desires. In case of weakness of Faith, man becomes easy prey to such constant conflicts. In this context, Allah, All-Mighty, says,

“(They are) swaying between this and that, belonging neither to these nor to those. And he whom Allah sends astray, you will not find for him a way (to the truth – Islam).”

[IV; 143]

 Melancholy is the most prevalent psychological disorder of this modern age. The total number of those who consult psychiatrists in irreligious communities that are heedless of their Lord, Allah, All-Mighty, is 150%. And even some psychiatrists consult other fellow psychiatrists for treatment. In other words, melancholy, the main psychological disorder of our modern age, is caused when people deviate from their pure human nature wherein Allah has created them. This is what psychologists usually call “feeling of sinfulness”, “inferiority complex” or “depression”. In this context, Allah, All-High, says,

“But whosoever turns away from My Reminder, verily, for him is a life of hardship.”

[XX; 124]


  To wrap up, if we believe in Allah, All-Mighty, we live in a state of psychological health, which is manifested by such good qualities as contentment, peacefulness, optimism, and a balanced character. All such merits are the fruit of true Faith.

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