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Scientific topics from sermons- lesson (100): Some Medical Prophetic Advice concerning (sohour-breakfast- nap)
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

Some Prophetic pieces of advice:

1-    Delaying Suhur: 

Dear believing brothers, I would like to mention some of the health prophetic pieces of advice related Siyaam (fasting). Allah's Messenger PBUH said:

(Have Suhur (predawn meal). Surely, there is a blessing in Suhur.)

[Al-Bukhari and Muslim, on the authority of Anas bin Malik]

The blessing mentioned in the Hadith has two kinds: it is either a blessing given to man in the worldly life or one granted in the Hereafter. As for the later, it is manifested when man gets up early before dawn in order to have Suhur, and then he goes to Masjid  to offer Fajr Salat, so if he listens to an Ayah recited by the Imam, and he is deeply touched by it, to such an extent that he sheds tears or that he decides to recite some Ayaat from the Noble Quran after Salat feeling the tranquility casted into his heart, then he is granted this blessed bestowal that is the result of getting up to have Suhur. This is the blessing granted to man in the Hereafter.   

As for the blessing granted to man in the worldly life, it is manifested in being able observe Siyaam during the day while accomplishing his missions and jobs with the least feeling of exhaustion. Man's body needs energy which is provided by food, and this is why Suhur is Sunnah. 

Actually, having late Suhur is part of Sunnah.  Staying awake until midnight, or perhaps later, and then having Suhur and going to bed would lead to missing al-Fajr Salat. Let Alone, he will miss applying the Sunnah of delaying Suhur. The Prophet PBUH said: 

(My Ummah will always retain goodness as long as they hasten in breaking the fast and delay the Suhur.)

[Ahmad, on the authority of Abi Dharr]

I would like to assure you that if man has his Suhur and goes to bed immediately, his digesting system will be disturbed, or he may have health problems. There must be enough a time between having suhur and going to bed. This period of time should be spent in reciting the Noble Quran, performing Salat and remembering Allah. Well, doctors always advise people not to go to bed after having Suhur.

2-    Hastening in breaking one's Siyaam at Maghrib time:

Dear believing brothers, the Prophet PBUH recommended us to hasten in breaking our Siyaam once it is Maghrib time since man's Siyaam is over with sunset whether he eats and drinks or not. 

The Prophet PBUH used to break his Siyaam by eating a few dates, or by drinking water or anything sweet, and then he used to perform Maghrib Salat. After that, he would eat. When you do this, you will feel that your hunger is satisfied by the dates you eat before Maghrib Salat, and your physical organs and systems will be balanced due to the sugar of the dates that is absorbed into the bloodstream. So, you will eat moderately as if you were not fasting. This manner is part of Sunnah, therefore, it is recommended to pray Maghrib before you have your Iftar meal. Yet, if you embarrass others (who prefer to have their Iftar and then pray) by doing this, you can eat with them and then perform Salat. 

The main point is that it is Sunnah to eat three dates, then you pray Maghrib and after that you have Iftar meal.



3-     Having a midday nap:

Dear believing brothers, in addition to recommending us to have Suhur, the Prophet PBUH recommended us to take a nap during  daytime in order to be able to stand for At-Taraweeh Salat (the night prayer in Ramadan). The Prophet PBUH said: 

(Take a short nap, for Devils never take naps)

If man can take a nap during the daytime of Ramdan, this nap will enable him to perform 20 Rak'aat of Taraweeh which is the fruit of Siyaam. In other words, taking a nap will make man energetic and attentive during Taraweeh Salat. Also, he will be able to understand the Quran recited during Salat, and his heart will be melt out of love for Allah, Exalted and Sublime be He. Salat cannot be performed properly if man is exhausted, so taking a nap helps him taste the sweetness of Taraweeh Salat.  

These are some of the authenticated prophetic pieces of advice. 

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