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Interpretation of the Quran- Surat Al-A'raf : Lesson (11-60) - Ayah (26) Types of clothing
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

  Respectable brother, with the 11th lesson of A'araf chapter explanation, verse 26: Allah's saying:

﴾O Children of Adam !We have bestowed raiment upon you to cover yourselves( screen your private parts) and as an adornment. And the raiment of righteousness, that is better. Such are among the Ayat ( proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc) of Allah, that they may remember ( i.e. leave falsehood and follow truth)﴿

A general call to the humanity:Children of Adam:

A great lesson to Adam and his descendants:

 Oh brother: "O Children of Adam"
As if Allah – the Al-Mighty – wanted to remind us with the great lesson of Adam – PBUH and the Devil. And how that Allah has meant this lesson to occur to Adam and to his descendants after him.

﴾ Surely, Shaitan ( Satan ) is an enemy to you, so take (treat) him as an enemy.﴿

[ Fater:6]

 This lesson indicated that the battle between truth and falsehood is eternal everlasting one:

﴾(Allah) said: "Get down, one of you is an enmy to the other[i.e. Adam, Hawwa'(eve), and Shaitan (Satan)].﴿


 A great lesson, earth contains both truth and falsehood, good and evil, beauty and awfulness, just and oppression, doing good and doing bad, people of this worldly life with strength, dealing bad, and worldly matters and they disbelieved the other world ( Resurrection Day) ; whereas people of belief go along with perfection, charity and believed in the other world ( resurrection Day).
 So, when Allah says: O Children of Adam He reminds us of the great lesson Adam received from Allah, because Adam was in a current worldly heaven – according to most scholars- as the after world's heaven comes after charge, whereas the current worldly heaven, in which Adam was living came before charge, as a person may leave the current worldly heaven, but the after world's heaven:

﴾Nor shall they (ever) be asked to leave it.﴿


 So, when Allah says: O Children of Adam He wanted to direct us through this addressing to reminds us of the great lesson Adam received from Allah before bringing him to this world so as to get the two things concept; good and evil, truth and falsehood, charity and bad deeds, honesty and lying.

"We have bestowed raiment upon you to cover yourselves:

1- The meaning of “bestowed”:

﴾O Children of Adam ! We have bestowed raiment upon you to cover yourselves﴿ . Bestowed means to bring down rain from sky, and from this rain and some kinds of plants, threads are made, and from threads fabrics are made, and our clothes were made out from fabric.

﴾O Children of Adam !We have bestowed raiment upon you to cover yourselves( screen your private parts).﴿

2- The first sin was: taking clothes off:

 The first sin ever in human world was taking off clothes:

﴾ Stripping them of their raiments, to show them their private parts.﴿


3-Satan always seeks to uncover private parts

 So: we have two things, one is covering( screening) private parts, and the other thing is uncover private parts, Satan and his followers call for private parts' uncovering till the Resurrection Day; while the Revelation of Allah and His Intention, well and Curriculum goes calls for private parts covering.

﴾O Children of Adam !We have bestowed raiment upon you to cover yourselves( screen your private parts).﴿

"Raiment upon you to cover your private parts:

1- What is the private part ?

 O brother, in fact a private part is the genitals, raiment covers it, and this raiment was desired by Allah-the Al-Mighty, since it was made out of materials created by Allah.

2- Things that Allah created for human being:

 Sometimes you realize that a certain thing was made for a specific certain thing, sometimes you see a green plant, neither has flowers nor fruit, it was created only to see a green scenery, a tree was created to shade human, with its continuous thick circle – shape leaves and its stem is straight, you realize that it was created to be a shade for human being, if you go round by your mind through the creature of Allah –the Al-Mighty- you will find out that a thing is understood for its function, and there're many things Allah's created especially for human being; which forms a wide prospective of meditation.


 Why water distinguished by the fact that if you chill- freeze – it to a degree +4 C, its size increases, thus decreases density and it floats up, if not for this feature, the lesson would never occur and there were no life on this earth.

Eye Anti freezing substance:

 Why there's an anti-freezing substance in the eye? If not for this feature then every human being happens to be in a weather's degree less than zero will lose his sight.
 So you some times feel that a certain thing was especially created for another thing; so plants used to produce threads, cotton, linen, was designed to be used in producing fabric to wear, pearl to be a decoration for women, meat to be flesh eaten by human,so when you go round this wide universe using your intellect, you'll definitely find out that every thing has a reason of being, and a goal, and that your intellect refuses contradiction; which is the right thinking.
 So, when Allah ; the Al-Mighty said:

﴾O Children of Adam !We have bestowed raiment upon you﴿

  rain from the sky, resulted in plants growth, cotton, linen..and so are among these plants, threads are made of these plants, then fabrics, then clothes; which we wear and it covers our private parts.

﴾O Children of Adam !We have bestowed raiment upon you to cover yourselves (screen your private parts).﴿

 But, Satan as been described by Allah-the Al-Mighty:

﴾ Stripping them of their raiments, to show them their private parts.﴿


Human beings between undressing and veil:

 The world now is divided into two parts, a world of undressing and the world of veil; the Islamic World women are veiled and men are decently dressed, whereas you may visit an European country meeting there a D.G. normally wearing a hot short; the European style is naked, but the Curriculum of Allah is veiling, as nakedness causes agitation, agitation causes shameful sins, which spreads corruption, delusion and loss comes with corruption, leads to misery , after death there's Hell fire ; and the first sin ever Allah's been disobeyed by started by uncovering private parts.
 Thus, parents; seeking their children's morals may not get undress in front of his child ; and this is more correct and better, a pious believer father can by no means take off his clothes in front of his children, as Allah ordered us by covering, the same is said about a Muslim woman, who doesn't show her charms but only to her husband and certain relatives named in the Holy Quran ( who could by no means marry her.)
Of course you notice the spread corruption all over the earth; when the woman got naked, many satellite channels, and profligate website based on showing naked women, the size of corruption caused in the roads resulted from a girl shows her charms to people ? so veil and covering is for believers, whereas nakedness and undressing is for non believers.

﴾O Children of Adam !We have bestowed raiment upon you to cover yourselves( screen your private parts).﴿

 O brother, when you see a woman wearing decently,as if she was a queen you think of her as your sister and nothing more,but when a woman shows her charms she turns from being a woman into being a fancy and pleasure. Which is a completely disrespect for her.
 There're demonstrations in the Western World condemning and protesting against propagating goods ; whoever tiny this good is, using semi-naked woman, this deed is from Satan. Nakedness is the first ever committed sin on this earth, and veil and decency are believers characteristics.

A benefit in Allah's word:"We have bestowed ":

 Some says: there's a benefit of the word " raiment" whichever comes down from the sky is good, human has both two incentives one for the heaven and the other for the earth, evils and sins occur when a human listen to the call of desire in himself but he sank down the earth and followed his fancy, thus clothes cover private parts, Allah's said:

﴾O Children of Adam !We have bestowed raiment upon you to cover yourselves( screen your private parts) and as an adornment.﴿

And as an adornment:

 an adornment covers bird's body, and it's beautiful, some kings used to put a an adornment on their crowns, leaded the commoners to deduct that ( somebody is with adornment); means that he owns extraordinary facilities, luxurious and beautiful things, so an adornment indicates to decoration, and Allah- the Al-Mighty – when said:

﴾ And (He has created) horses, mules and donkeys, for you to ride and as an adornment. And He creates (other)things of which you have no knowledge.﴿


 As if decoration is among human's needs, a person inhabits a house, but he enjoys a gently painted house, with beautiful colors.
 A person wears clothes to cover his private parts, but above this he likes it to be nice clothes of convenient colors; as if Allah- the Al-Mighty- put in us the likeness of beautiful things, it was said: a human naturally likes beauty, perfection and gaining. So every one like beautiful things, houses, clothes, tools and equipment ; so now the beauty issue is very clear in the world, which goes along with human nature; but the western world exaggerated in life beautification to the limit that there living became lovable; on the other hand we severely shorten in the beauty side in our Islamic countries, till our sons detested it; beauty needs taste rather than lots of money; a believer's heaven is his home some times the painting is very simple and cheap but its color's bright and furniture goes a long with its colors, and every piece of furniture in the room is derivative of a certain color.
 Who told you that a person's life should not be beautiful? You should dress well and choose suitable colors, use tools of a beauty touch ; this is very essential, don't criticize sh3er if they want beautiful thing, because it's a nature. There's no single desire Allah has put in us but creates a neat channel to go through, beauty in the house, in the entrance, at guests room,in the harmony; but not to reach beauty through sins and guilt as it's strictly forbidden.
 Woman is beautiful, but there's only one permitted way to enjoy her beauty by marriage, house is beautiful, but there's only one permitted way to own this house is to earn your leaving honorably ; but enjoying beauty against your religion and against your concepts is wrong and you'll fail the exam if you do so.

﴾O Children of Adam! We have bestowed raiment upon you to cover yourselves( screen your private parts) and as an adornment.﴿

Every thing is created for a functional and a beauty purpose:

 So things were created by Allah for two purposes, the functional purpose and the beautiful one, for example an apple is not only nutritious, has glucose items, minerals, vitamins above all these features, and above its nice smell and nice taste it looks beautiful , many fruit has the same features as apples; grapes, banana, pears.
 Thus, beauty is needed, and a believer is beautiful and does love beauty ; but only according to Allah's curriculum.
 The holy prophet-PBUH- while walking; people knew him by his nice perfume.
 The holy prophet-PBUH- used to wear his most beautiful clothes during Islamic feasts and occasions.
 The holy prophet-PBUH- used to wear specific clothes during Friday preach and delegation meetings.
 I wish not to be remote from beauty and to beautify our countries, our roads. Since Muslims now has individual relations, you see beauty inside houses whereas roads are not beautiful due to lack of group relations, he may also put waste unneeded matters in the balcony; which got a bad scene of containing old, broken furniture, while his home is very beautiful, well decorated inside.

﴾We have bestowed raiment upon you to cover yourselves( screen your private parts) and as an adornment﴿

 A person needs light touches of beauty to turn his home into a heaven, and of course tiny things may overwhelm human with a feeling of beauty.
 I'm against being pious while our countries, our houses are not beautiful. For example if you enter a clean, well decorated pharmacy where drugs are put in a great system is totally different from entering a dirty, dusty, undecorated pharmacy where drugs are piled over in a bad way !!! hence, clean, beauty and tidiness is among belief, and the holy verse:

﴾We have bestowed raiment upon you to cover yourselves( screen your private parts) and as an adornment.﴿

The wide meaning of (private parts): Moral private parts:

 But, there're other genitals, views genitals; for example an ignorant person, and moral genitals such as being liar, deceptive hypocrite and arrogant.
 Believe me brother, just as you get disgusted by an awful view, dirty clothes,not matched color clothes, a dirty car, not well- organized house; a believer is disgusted by cheap or sexy joking, by arrogance, proud, hypocrisy, by a double faced person; these are other genitals and it causes more pain and hurt than the first genitals.

﴾O Children of Adam !We have bestowed raiment upon you to cover yourselves( screen your private parts) and as an adornment.﴿

 A person without clothes looks disgusting, and for a great reason Allah has bestowed upon us these clothes, so Allah has said:

﴾O Children of Adam !We have bestowed raiment upon you to cover yourselves( screen your private parts) and as an adornment.﴿

 To illustrate there're beautiful things, a house is the same and it's warm but it needs a touch of beauty, and to remove any thing of bad look from the house
But laying, cheap or sexy joking, arrogance, hypocrisy and insolence are soul genitals, so the pious clothing covers soul genitals ; the same as body clothing covers body genitals, you notice the believer well behaves in humble, in the way he sits, in the way he moves, talks, stands, … a believer walks with behavior, he doesn't look down to people, neither he embarrasses them, he doesn't fish in dirty water, he's not a sniper, this is moral beauty, so as a believer has a good looking he has good deeds; thus:

A beauty face along with ugly souls 

is equivalent to a lamp over a fire worshiper's tomb.

* * *

 Just as there's a beautiful body there's a beautiful deed, and Just as there's a beautiful house there's a beautiful heroism.
 O respectable brother I swear Allah that there're many heroism we read about in the ancient and current history causes you enjoyment for weeks ; that's why sometimes you mostly like and appreciate a great idea, a great analysis, a correct belief, a great interpretation to a verse

﴾O Children of Adam !We have bestowed raiment upon you to cover yourselves( screen your private parts) and as an adornment.﴿

 So every thing Allah's created in this earth has both a basic function and a beauty function.
 So, what's your mission O human being? If you present something try to present it in a beautiful wrap, if you want to advise someone, choose nice, humble and sweet words.

The good clothing is not from pride:

 Beauty must be a curriculum in our lives, the beauty of appearance, clean, elegance, harmony, beauty of deeds, and a believer is beautiful ; as Allah is beautiful and does like beauty.
 One of the prophet's companion asked the prophet -PBUH-: O Allah's apostle a person likes to wear nice clothes ( to be dressy), is this from pride? He replied:

((No, pride is to be ungrateful to truth and scorn people.))

[ narrated Abu-Dawood, Hakem at Mustadrak, reported Abu-Hurairah]

 Pride or arrogance is to reject truth and to lessen sh3er' rights, not to have beautiful house, for the third, forth and fifth time: I don't mean the beauty causes people millions of dollars.
To make it clear, I happened to enter a house in Ghutah once, the simple beauty attracted my sight, plants pots had the same size and color. Some times the curtain's colors harmonizes with furniture and carpet, so beauty is a necessity and a demand to people, every one can raise his sense of taste till your home becomes beautiful and you get a perfect harmony among the pieces of the house. This is abstracted from the saying of Allah:

﴾and as an adornment﴿

 And the other matter is that as just body has a genital covered by clothes, there's a soul genital is covered by piety, connection to Allah, obedience to Allah and quoting from the beauty of Allah as to be merciful, humble, tolerant nice, pathetic, just, fair and many other sorts of heroism.

Every thing Allah has bestowed upon us is good:

﴾O Children of Adam !We have bestowed raiment upon you to cover yourselves( screen your private parts) and as an adornment. And the raiment of righteousness, that is better.﴿

 Every thing was revealed from the heaven is good, for example Allah- the
Al-Mighty says:

﴾ And He has sent down for you of cattle eight pairs ( of the sheep, two, male and female, of the goats, two, male and female, of the oxen, two, male and female and of the camel, two, male and female.﴿

[Az- Zumar:6]

 So, rain also came from heaven, and earth planted the grass, animal ate it, then its body grew, then it breed ; just as the sheep came from the heaven, the second meaning is:

﴾ Indeed We have sent Our Messengers with clear proofs, and revealed with them the Scripture and the Balance ( justice ) but mankind may keep up justice. ﴿


 So, the book is a balance, and it's curriculum, it contains do's and don'ts, do the right deeds and don't do evil deeds, do the just not the unjust, and this book was also revealed from the heaven:

﴾ And We brought forth iron wherein is mighty power ( in matters of war), as well as many benefits for mankind.﴿


 because it benefits people in protecting values, sword is made from iron, and all weapons are made of iron, but there's a great difference between protecting values using weapons and using weapon to protect polytheism and aggression, we live now in an excluded time.

 Weapon along human history supports right, guidance, but now it supports polytheism, corruption, profligacy, death as that of sheep, a killer doesn't know why he killed and the killed doesn't know the reason of his death, then and in that day the believer's heart dissolves out of what he sees and can make no change if he speaks they kill him and if keeps silent they profane him.


﴾ Indeed We have sent Our Messengers with clear proofs, and revealed with them the Scripture and the Balance ( justice ) but mankind may keep up justice”﴿

 by just, so that Allah's order is executed, and to support this divine order, and heavenly revelation, and to support this truth which is by Allah,. 

﴾ ﴾“And we brought forth iron wherein is mighty power ( in matters of war), as well as many benefits for mankind.﴿ ﴿

 The might is to have a weapon to defend both the truth and yourself.
 So, respectable brother, we're still dealing with the word: and " we bestowed upon you" ; any thing was revealed from the heaven has great good and great bliss, and on the contrary; every thing comes from human has great evil; thus Allah's said:

﴾ Evil (sins and disobedience to Allah) has appeared on land and sea because of what the hands of men have earned ( by oppression and evil deeds), that He ( Allah) may make them taste a part of that which they have done, in order that they may return ( by repenting to Allah, and pegging His pardon).﴿


 To conclude, tangible genitals is covered by clothes, whereas value genitals are covered by piety. The second mentioned genitals might be worse than the first mentioned ones.

Teaching children the aspect of inside and outside beauty:

 O respectable brother, Allah the –Al-Mighty said:

﴾Say ( O Mohammad-PBUH) " Who has forbidden the adornment with clothes given by Allah, which He has produced for His slaves, and At-Taiyyibat[ all kinds of Halal( lawful ) things]of food?﴿

[Al-A'raf: 32]

 These beautiful things are among Allah's great blessings. I entered once a religious school contains amazing touches of beauty, makes you like going to this school. A Muslim brother living abroad told me once, that the school his children go for was so beautiful and organized that they cry during holidays missing their school, that's how our schools, mosques, homes and cities should be, we lack the beauty side of our living, beautiful areas are eye catching, two days a go, I entered a town's mosque, it was extra ordinary beautiful, elegance, carpets, chandeliers, heating, a nice place is appealing. Now this world inhabitants established tremendous five stars hotels, but contain alcohol, adultery, sins and guilt, and balls as well as night clubs, they conjugated beauty with polytheism and sins; we Muslims should conjugate beauty with belief and obedience to Allah, and there're very nice initials regarding this thing.
 I hope we would create beauty touches in our homes, as beautiful house appeals children ; on the other hand awful house ; lacks order, and full of chaos and dispute between parents, causes children's escape to the streets, to their friends, which result in losing your son. so make your house attracted to your children.

A conclusion:

 O brother nice and beautiful things are among belief and civilization, you find a very clean, beautifully organized garden in a development country, no one can cause any hurt to the garden; the dual picture is that the same garden has the same effort and cost of establishment with the former mentioned garden ; but was established in an under-developed country; it's turned to be a place for garbage and waste maters!!! absolutely incredible, we should raise our children to take care of public parking, public transportation, not to write on the walls, these action are due to weak raising up, and weak values and incentives.
We want out houses to have the beauty of harmony not the luxurious beauty; a beautiful home causes psychology relief and comfort; whereas the disorder and full of dispute houses causes children leave, and seeking for road companions, thus we lose our children. Try to put your child in a private room in your home, with beauty touches ….
 I hope we conjugate beauty with belief, belief is the most beautiful thing ever in life, being a humble, honest, truthful believer, and add to your belief, to your mercy, just, fair and fluency a beautiful place, your office, your pharmacy, your shop; beauty attracts the Western world.
So I insist in this lesson to pay more attention and take more care in beauty in order to attract beauty, and to show people that our religion Islam is beautiful, and Muslims have high tastes. So:

﴾O Children of Adam !We have bestowed raiment upon you to cover yourselves( screen your private parts) and as an adornment. And the raiment of righteousness, that is better. Such are among the Ayat ( proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc) of Allah, that they may remember ( i.e. leave falsehood and follow truth).﴿

 tangible genitals is covered by clothes, whereas value genitals are covered by piety.
 A dressy person once said very dirty words, so someone replied to him: either you dress as you speak or speak as you dress, so harmony is a demand in this life.
 The verse is very precise: it mentioned genitals kinds, and kinds of clothing ( coverings) and it pointed out that adornment has only a beauty purpose, and now everything Allah's created has a touch of beauty; so beauty is a part of Allah's creatures. Why Allah's created very beautiful thing? In order to be a base for the description of Paradise.
 Beauty in Islam is controlled by Allah's curriculum ; we refuse to teach art students to paint a naked woman, which is forbidden in our religion ; as woman has certain rules in Islam, being honest wife, daughter,she can by no means be a cheap merchandise or just a beautiful thing, her beauty should be covered by clothes and only be uncovered in front of her husband or those who under no circumstances are legitimated to marry her.


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