- Islamic creed
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- Creed and Quran Miraculousness
1- Evil tendencies are not installed in man:
Dear brother, this is lesson No. 20 of the series Aqeedah and the Inimitability of the Quran. We are still tackling the topic Lust, but the starting point of our lesson today is the fact that Husn Az-Zan (holding onto good thought) of Allah is the price for Paradise. All the four scholars of the Islamic Schools of Thought agreed upon the following, "Indeed, committing major sins is less harmful than saying against Allah what one does not know."
﴾Who think evil thoughts about Allah, for them is a disgraceful torment, and the Anger of Allah is upon them﴿
Some people mistakenly think that evil doing is installed in man's nature. Moreover, a poet who belongs to Al-Jahili era (poetry of pre-Islamic era) said:
Oppression is part of man's nature
So finding a just man means he has a defect that prevents him from oppression.
Also there are words uttered by the majority of people like, "Man is mean", "Man is materialist", and so forth. This is not true, because the Creation of Allah is perfect.
﴾So set you (O Muhammad, peace be upon him) your face towards the religion of pure Islamic Monotheism Hanifa (worship none but Allah Alone) Allah's Fitrah (i.e. Allah's Islamic Monotheism), with which He has created mankind.﴿
The Prophet, peace be upon him, addressed His Lord by saying:
((Good is in Your hands, and evil is not [attributed] to You))
2- Lusts are neutral:
This introduction is necessary so that you should know that the lusts installed in man are neutral; they can be means through which man exalts, or through which man hits rock bottom. Lusts are neutral because man originally owns the free will. Some people might say, "How about contemptible characteristics like envy which is installed in man?" The accurate answer to this question which befits the Perfection of Allah and which is supported by Ayat from the Quran is the following: Man is molded to have an exalted nature which accords with the Divine Method, and the lusts installed in man are means through which he is elevated in the Sight of Allah, the Lord of the heavens and the earth, but they can also be means through which man falls to the lowest of low, simply because these lusts are neutral and man is granted the free will.
3- The fortunes in life are neutral:
Like lusts, fortunes are neutral in life. Some of these fortunes are intelligence and beauty, for they might be means to exalt man to the highest ranks, and thus they will be great graces, or means to make him fall to the lowest of the low if he uses them to commit sins and to violate limitations. As a result, he will be admitted to Hellfire. I repeat again, fortunes in life are neutral just like lusts:
﴾Beautified for men is the love of things they covet; women, children, much of gold and silver (wealth), branded beautiful horses, cattle and well-tilled land. This is the pleasure of the present world's life; but Allah has the excellent return (Paradise with flowing rivers, etc.) with Him.﴿
Lusts are neutral, and I used to mention the following example in this regard: when man gets married to a pious woman (in order to fulfill his lust lawfully and to start a family), he will have dutiful children, then when their children grow up, he will have daughters and sons in law. Therefore, his family members will become 20, 30 or 40. Notice how this big family starts with this man who will become a grandfather. As long as this family abides by principles, good conducts and morals, as long as its members become educated people such as, doctors, architects and Du'aat (callers to Allah) and as long as their women keeps wearing Hijab, mercy, affection and sympathy will fill their house, but remember that all this crowd starts with a sexual intercourse. Unlike this lawful way of fulfilling man's lust, the same sexual intercourse can be fulfilled in brothels by prostitutes and perverts. It is the same lust in both cases, yet in the first case it exalts man to the highest ranks, and in the second case it brings him down to the lowest of the low.
The different courses followed to fulfill this lust are due to man's free will, so lusts are neutral. Since you have the free will, then fortunes in life are neutral too. We call the blessings as such, strength, beauty, cleverness or eloquence man may have fortunes, and they are different from lusts. When someone is outgoing, persuasive, eloquent, shrewd, brilliant, powerful, healthy or good looking, these graces are called by psychologists "common potentials". On the other hand, psychologists called other characteristics "special potentials (or skills)", like when someone is able to show himself bigger than his reality without lying to people. For instance, someone may describe his life to you by using special words which give the impression that he is an important rich person, so he says to you that he lives in Black Stone city, a middle class neighborhood, and it is in Arabic Al-Hajar Al-Aswad. He is telling the truth, but by saying the name in English gives you the impression that it is a very luxurious complex in USA. Therefore, there are "common potentials" and "special potentials". Now let us go back to talk about the fortunes in life. Fortunes are neutral just like lusts, and they are means to sublime man or to hit him rock bottom.
4- Skills are neutral:
Among the special potentials (skills or intelligence) is having a convincing ability. You may meet a salesman, who is very persuasive, and he can talk customers into anything, so if 20 customers enter his shop, he is able to make 15 of them buy from his commodities. This is a special skill.![](/images/articles/inside/1708046228.jpg)
I would like to draw your attention to an important fact. Unless you support your social intelligence by studying, you will not make any breakthroughs in life. Take for example Einstein, the remarkable physicist, who put the relativity theory that totally changed all the concepts of physics, and who lectured his theory at the universities of the United States, had he been brought up in backward social and educational environment, he would not be that intelligent. The driver of this brilliant scientist was a street smart for he did not have the chance to get educated. If Einstein had been the son of a shepherd in a backward country, who had not had the chance to study, he would have turned out to be a shepherd whose maximum potential would have been limited to know how many sheep he owns and what is the condition of each one of them. What made him Einstein whose intelligence dazzled scientists? What made him Einstein as we know him is his studies. Therefore, when man studies, all his hidden potentials will erupt, but if he does not, he will stay marginalized despite the intelligence he might have.
Let us get back to the driver of Einstein. This driver was very smart, but he did not have the chance to educate himself. He heard the lecture of Einstein 15 times, and thus he memorized it. Being known for his sense of humor, Einstein asked his driver to give the lecture instead of him in the last university, and he promised to introduce him to the university as Einstein. Since Einstein's face was not familiar to most people because there was no TV channels or social media, he gave his driver the permission to give his own lecture as Einstein. They both entered the university and Einstein introduced his driver as Einstein, accordingly, the driver ascended the podium and gave the lecture, and upon being asked by one of the university professors a question to which he had no answer, he promptly said to him, "I will let my driver answer your question". This man had a natural intelligence not an acquired one. Therefore, intelligence is a potential in man, so are avoiding embarrassment, sense of humor, persuading power, eloquence, and beating stage fright.
Many great men have stage fright and they are unable to say a word in a studio interview. We studied these special skills in details in psychology, and one of them is being persuasive and so having the ability of selling anything to sh3er. Skills and fortunes are neutral and can be utilized as means to be admitted to Paradise or as means to be admitted to Hellfire. Thieves usually are very intelligent people, so are those who illegally take other people's money. There are top people in society who collect their wealth by lying, cheating and cunning.
The fortunes in life like intelligence, eloquence, the power of selling, the good looking and the physical strength are Divine Tests. Each one of you has his own Divine Test, so if one of you is handsome, will he praise Allah for this grace? Will he be chaste and never use his beauty in matters that displease Allah? Will man use his skills, common potentials and the special ones in committing sins and errors? Remember, these fortunes are neutral, because man has the free will.
5- Man's characteristics are neutral:
Man's characteristics can be of many sorts, like jealousy which means basically wishing to own what is in sh3er' hands, and it is called envy if it is about matters related to the worldly life, whereas it is called Ghibtah if it is about matters related to the Hereafter. Few years ago, they used to hold fundraising parties to which they invited the richest people in the city to Iftar in Ramadan, and they used to invite some scholars to give encouraging speeches to urge the rich to donate money to the orphans in a big orphanage in Damascus. In one of those dinners I delivered a speech, and following my speech they were able to collect huge sum of money, thanks to receiving the donations publicly. They used to mention the name of the donator by saying, "Such generous person donated 100.000 Liras", while another person might donate 200.000 and the competition between rich men brought close to 6 million Liras. In the next party, people in charge of the fundraising dinner suggested that the donations should be written on papers and given secretly to the committee without mentioning the names of the donators, but the money donated in that dinner was very little, and the rich men were writing 10.000 or 20.000 Liras, because there was no competition unlike the donations which were given publicly. Allah says:
﴾If you disclose your Sadaqat (alms-giving), it is well, but if you conceal it, and give it to the poor, that is better for you. (Allah) will forgive you some of your sins. And Allah is Well-Acquainted with what you do.﴿
The perfect ruling in this regard is to make the donation in public if the money is going to a project, but if the money is going to a person, it should be given secretly.
I would like you to bear in mind that jealousy is neutral, so you cannot say that man is originally envious, but instead you should say that jealousy is installed in man, so he longs to own whatever is in sh3er' hands. Let me ask you this: if you see a young believer who is pious, who memorizes the Quran, who is honest and trustworthy, whose face radiates like the sun and whose potentials are worthwhile, do you not long to be like him? Thus, jealousy has been created by Allah in man to be neutral, so it might be your means to sublime or to hit rock bottom.
What I meant to say to you in this lecture is that man's lusts, fortunes and characteristics are neutral, and they are means in man's hand to exalt to the highest ranks or to fall to the lowest of the low. Because man is Divinely granted the free will, everything Divinely installed in him is neutral. In other words, there is not such a thing as evil, so why do you say that the knife is evil? This is not true, because knife is an important tool in the house, but at the same time it could be a tool to commit a homicide. Thus, it is neutral for it can be used to meet the needs of man by cutting vegetables, fruits and meat, or it can be used to slaughter a human being. Do you consider the glass an evil object or a good one? Well it is evil if it is filled with wine, and it is good if it is filled with juice or water.
6- Man has been originally created with untainted Fitrah:
I would like you to stop saying that Allah has created an evil man, envious man, stubborn man or![](/images/articles/inside/1708046236.jpg)
All creations other than mankind and Jinn are like a train which has no steering wheel because it runs on tracks. On the other hand, mankind and Jinn are like the car with a steering wheel with which they can drive in any way they want. Let us say that the road is Shari'ah (the Islamic law), and the ditch on its side is the sins, whereas the engine of the car is the lusts. The car runs because of the engine (lusts), and the steering wheel (the free will) directs the car to its destination and the paved road is Shari'ah. Accordingly, who is the prudent? The prudent is the one who keeps the car on the road using the power of the engine and using its steering wheel in the right direction. This is the whole thing.
7- The worldly fortunes among people is distributed to test mankind:
Dear brother, the fortunes in life are distributed among people to be subjects of the Divine Test, so you find in life the rich and the poor. While wealth is the Divine Test of the rich, poverty is the Divine Test of the poor, and both might succeed and might fail. The rich will succeed if he gives the poor and the needy, but he will fail if he does not do so, whereas the poor will succeed upon remaining patient and having a sense of dignity, and if he is pleased with Allah saying, "O Allah! There is no life worth living except the life of the Hereafter". It was said, "How wonderful to see the rich charitable towards the poor, but the more wonderful is to notice how high the sense of dignity and self respect the poor has."
People upon being tested by richness and poverty will succeed or fail:
By Allah dear brother, a doctor I know, who happens to be a cardiologist told me the following story: A child patient needed a surgery which cost his father 400.000 Liras, but the father was poor and the only thing he owned was a humble workshop for making purses. The doctor mentioned that in front of a rich charitable man who was generous enough to pay for the operation. The doctor thought that he had good news for the man when he told him about that donation. However, the father apologized to the doctor saying that he could not accept that money, and upon being asked why he said, "I have a workshop whose value is 400.000, so I will sell it and pay for the operation. Let this charitable man give his money to someone who does not own anything to sell". This doctor said to me, "In my entire life, I have never felt as insignificant as I felt before this man." This poor man passed the Divine Test (which is poverty in his case) with flying colors.
Let me tell one more story of another poor man who was an orderly in a school and had 8 children and his salary was only 4.000 liras, but he inherited a land from a relative of his. A well-off man who I believe is a believer, wanted to build a Masjid in one of Damascus neighborhoods. He looked for a land and found a suitable one which was that poor man's land. The man who wanted to build the Masjid negotiated the price with him and the latter accepted to take 3 million and a half Liras. They wrote a check for 2 million and the charitable man said to him, "You will receive the rest of the money when I get the license from the Ministry of Endowments." Then, he asked, "Why should I go to there?"He answered, "Because we want to build a Masjid on the land." The poor man said, "Give me the check." He took it, tore it into pieces and said, "How can I buy a land where a Masjid will be built? I have the right more than you to offer it for the Sake of Allah." This Masjid has been built with the longest Minerat (Mi'zanah) in the area. Though he is poor, he passed the Divine test.
I was told about a rich man who who travelled to the USA on Dutch airlines, and there was a stop in Germany where his daughter lived. Upon arriving at the airport in Germany, this man missed his next flight on purpose, and he gave the airlines false excuses, so the airlines had to find him a room in a hotel where he met his daughter at the expense of the airlines and then he pretended to lose his wallet (in which he put nothing important), and he ripped the ticket of the next flight also pretending that it was lost with the wallet. Therefore, the airlines gave him 600 dollars to make it up for him. This is an example of a rich man who failed his Divine Test. Despite his richness he lied, gave false statement and deceived the airlines. Your success lies in passing the Divine Test whether you are rich or poor, brilliant or simple-minded. Each one of us has his own Divine Test, some of us are tested by their physical strength, sh3er are tested by their good looking while some are tested by their eloquence.
I know a man who is not educated, but he always longed to be a Da'iyah (caller to Allah) from the depth of his heart, and since he was not eloquent, he found a way to do that by buying 100 cassettes of my lectures and starting to give these cassettes to his relatives by turn, then he took them again to give them to other relatives till he was able to bring 30 men from his relatives to the Masjid. This man passed the Divine Test though he is not educated.
I say it again, each one of us is tested by Allah, by getting a high scientific degree, by not being educated, by having a perfect wife or by having a casual one but he is satisfied with her and he keeps saying, "O Lord, I am satisfied with her since she is Your Choice, and I am pleased with you". Success lies in passing the Divine Test which can be having a pious wife or a bad one, having a good son or undutiful one, having good heath or being sick, being good looking or ugly, being clever or simple-minded, being rich or poor and being strong or weak. Thus, your success is not to overcome afflictions, but to deal with them perfectly.
8- Fortunes are distributed in the Hereafter as punishments or rewards:
Fortunes as I said earlier are distributed among people as subjects of a Divine Test to each one. Pay attention to this: Fortunes can be positive or negative, namely Allah tests you by what He bestowed upon you or by what He withdraws from you. Hence, fortunes in the worldly life are distributed among people to test them, but in the Hereafter they will be given to people according to their deeds.
﴾ See how We prefer one above another (in this world) and verily, the Hereafter will be greater in degrees and greater in preference. ﴿
The difference is very huge between a cardiologist who takes for every operation he performs 100.000Liras, and so he earns about 2 million Liras every month upon operating on five patients per week, and a nurse who makes little money, between a professor at the university and an elementary school teacher in a village, between the head of the Chamber of Commerce and a salesman in the street and between a rich man and a poor man who works as an orderly or a street typewriter (these are examples of the Divine Distribution of fortunes in life and every one of these people is tested by what he has or he does not have).
﴾ See how We prefer one above another (in this world) and verily, the Hereafter will be greater in degrees and greater in preference. ﴿
By Allah the only God, the nail of a pious poor man who belongs to the lower class people might be more exalted in the Sight of Allah than a thousand rich people.
((Narrated Anas bin Malik that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: "How many are there with disheveled hair, covered with dust, possessing two cloths, whom no one pays any mind to - if he swears by Allah then He shall fulfill it. ))
Therefore, fortunes in life are distributed among people to be Divinely tested by, but in the Hereafter they will be distributed according to people's deeds (either rewards or punishments)
﴾ See how We prefer one above another (in this world) and verily, the Hereafter will be greater in degrees and greater in preference. ﴿
A funeral of a man might go out of a house whose worth is 180 millions, so you may wonder, who designed this house in such a way? It is the man in the casket. Who bought the marble used in the house and who brought the architect who adorned the ceiling with plaster? It is the man in the casket. Who designed these outstanding landscapes? It is the man in the casket. Who bought all these chandeliers? It is the man in the casket. Now where is this man? He is in the grave and life is over for him.
A funeral of another man might go out of a very humble house which is only a 60 square meter basement, yet his deeds in life are good, so this man's grave looks like Paradise, his death brings him closer to Allah the Almighty and his death is a wedding ceremony for him.
Anas, may Allah be pleased with him, reported that when the messenger of Allah (PBUH) was experiencing severe illness, Faatimah, may Allah be pleased with her, said:
(("Haai, the sickness of my father". The prophet (PBUH) thereupon said, "After this day your father will not experience any difficulties.))
Bilal bin Rabah said before he died, "Tomorrow we meet the loved ones, Muhammad, peace be upon him, and his Companions, may Allah be pleased with them".
Dear brother, who laughs last, laughs best. Hence, our success lies in passing every Divine Test. If you are strong, your Divine Test is your strength, if you are weak, your Divine Test is your weakness, if you are good looking, your Divine Test is your beauty, if you are ugly, your Divine Test is your ugliness, if you are clever, your Divine Test is your cleverness, if you are simple-minded, your Divine Test is your simplemindedness and if you are rich or if you are poor, then this is your Divine Test. A man might be blessed with a good memory, but he uses it in committing sins, like memorizing the names and phone numbers of 33 women whom he talks to day and night, whereas another man with a good memory uses it to memorize the Quran, both have the same grace (the good memory).
A concise summary:
The concise summary of this lecture is that everything you own, every characteristic you have, every lust installed in you, and every fortune you are given are but means to exalt or to fall down. There is no absolute evil in life, but evil comes from the way people use things due to their free will. For instance, the car can be driven by a drunk man who will drive it straight to a ditch and wreck it, so a simpleminded man might say upon seeing the wrecked car, "Who manufactured this car in that way?" Well totaling a car does not need a factory, and all it takes is a drunk driver, but the factory manufactured it perfectly, for it is a well-manufactured car, its color is bright and its furniture is cozy, so totaling it does not need a factory.
The same goes for saying, "Who has created evil doings?" Evil doings have not been created, but they are the outcome of abusing Allah's Graces. The Prophet, peace be upon him, said in one of his supplications:
((…and evil is not [attributed] to You))
Husn Az-Zan of Allah is the price for Paradise.
In Hadith Qudsi, Allah the Almighty says:
((I am as My slave thinks of Me, so let him think of Me as he wishes.))
It was reported that before the battle of Badr, the Prophet, peace be upon him, said:
((Do not kill my uncle Al-Abbas.))
The Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, mistakenly thought that Al-Abbas was Mushrik, so one of the Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, did not accept what the Prophet, peace be upon him, said, saying "One of us kills his own father and brother and he tells us not to kill his uncle?!"
His uncle was Mushrik in his eyes, he lived in Makkah and he was with the Mushrik army which was fighting the Prophet, peace be upon him. Therefore, he was hurt, and he thought ill in the Prophet, peace be upon him, and he accused him of bigotry, but he discovered later that Al-Abbas (the uncle of the Prophet, peace be upon him, was Muslim at that time, and he was the eyes and ears of the Prophet, peace be upon him, among Mushriks. The wise leadership of the Prophet, peace be upon him, allowed him know everything that was going on in Makkah through his uncle, so the Prophet, peace be upon him, had no choice but to keep that a secret, given Al-Abbas was from the elite of Quraish and he conveyed every decision they made to the Prophet, peace be upon him.
Had the Prophet, peace be upon him, said that his uncle was Muslim, he would have put an end to his role. Also, had he not asked his Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, not to kill his uncle, he would have been killed. Therefore, the Prophet, peace be upon him, said those concise words, "Do not kill my uncle Al-Abbas" without giving any details of such an order. The reverend Companion, may Allah be pleased with him, who thought wrongly about the Prophet, peace be upon him, said, "By Allah, I kept giving charity for ten years hoping that Allah would forgive me my wrong thought of the Prophet, peace be upon him."
It is not appropriate to say that this person is evil, that person is mean or that man is stingy, for Allah has installed in man a very exalted Fitrah. Furthermore, Allah has installed lusts in him and gave him the free will, so it is up to man to sublime by using these fortunes, characteristics and lusts to the highest ranks or to hit rock bottom.
Dear brother, this lecture is one of the lessons of Aqeedah, and it revolves around holding onto a good thought of Allah (Husn Az-Zan) and about the nature of man's characteristics, skills and lusts which can be used by him to be admitted to Paradise or to Hellfire. I hope that all of you, me included, hold onto a good thought of the Almighty Allah, and remember the example of the car, the road and the ditch, for the ditch is not evil since it is your choice not to use the steering wheel which might lead you straight to the ditch.
((…and evil is not [attributed] to You))
The scientific topic of the Inimitability of the Quran:
"Read! In the Name of your Lord, Who has created (all that exists)":
Let us move to the scientific inimitability. Dear brother, the first word of the first Ayah in the Quran which was revealed to the Prophet, peace be upon him, is:
﴾Read! In the Name of your Lord, Who has created (all that exists)* Has created man from a clot (a piece of thick coagulated blood)* Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous* Who has taught (the writing) by the pen [the first person to write was Prophet Idrees (Enoch)]* Has taught man that which he knew not.﴿
In previous lessons we talked about many kinds of readings the Quran, and one of which is done aiming at finding faith matters and the truth:
﴾Read! In the Name of your Lord, Who has created (all that exists),﴿
The meaning of "read" is "learn", because Allah has installed a cognitive power in man, and Allah has bestowed upon him a sublime need, brain, sight, hearing, reasoning, deduction and induction and He subjugated to him the entire universe which reflects the Oneness and the Perfection of Allah, so Allah says to man, "Read" indicating that unless you seek the truth, you will lose your humanity.
Dear brother, Allah orders us to "read" in order to believe that knowledge in Islam has a frame reference which is faith, so if your knowledge does not lead you to faith, it will testify against you.
﴾Verily, he thought and plotted* So let him be cursed! How he plotted!* And once more let him be cursed, how he plotted!* Then he thought* Then he frowned and he looked in a bad tempered way* Then he turned back and was proud* Then he said: "This is nothing but magic from that of old* "This is nothing but the word of a human being!"* I will cast him into Hell-fire* And what will make you know exactly what Hell-fire is?* It spares not (any sinner), nor does it leave (anything unburnt)!﴿
Human body manifests the Creativity of the Creator:
I would like you to pay attention to the eye; can you see with it in a totally dark place even if it is healthy 100 %? If you put a man in a very dark room, will his eyes do him any good? On the other side, is light enough to see if man lost his sight? If you put a blind man in a lightened room, will he be able to see? No, of course he will not. Light in this case will not do him any good. What I meant to say is that the eye needs light in order to see things. Accordingly, both the eye and the light are indispensible conditions to see things, so each one of them is not enough to make man see without the other. Like light and the healthy eye which are essential to man to be able to see, the brain and the Revelation are essential to man to know the truth. By using his brain alone, man cannot reach the truth, because he needs the Divine Revelation to reach it. Accordingly, the Revelation to the mind is like the light to the eye. Allah says:
﴾Read! In the Name of your Lord, Who has created (all that exists), Has created man from a clot (a piece of thick coagulated blood). ﴿
﴾ The Work of Allah, Who perfected all things, verily! He is Well-Acquainted with what you do.﴿
Do you think man's physical system works by accident? Absolutely, it does not, otherwise you will believe me if I tell you that the most advanced airplane exists because of an explosion of a bomb in an iron factory, and because of that explosion, we have this airplane which carries 800 passengers in one flight, so will you believe this? Will you accept if I tell you that I put ten sheets of papers numbered from 1 to 10 in a sack, and by accident I am able to take them out of the sack by order starting with the sheet number 1 to the sheet number 10? The possibility of doing so is only 1 to 10 million. Hence, no accidental phenomenon in the entire universe will be able to make one atom of the amino acid (which is the basic element of the human being).
The hair of the human being has no nerves, and had it had nerves, one would have needed a surgery to have his hair cut, because he would not have been able to tolerate the pain, but Allah has created the human hair and the nails without any sensitive nerves. Allah also has created the eye and located it in a socket to protect it, Allah has located the brain in the skull, has located the spinal cord in the spinal column, has located the heart in the thoracic cage, the womb in the pelvic and the factories of red blood cells in the marrow, so what is the wisdom behind all that? Do you know that the flow of the blood in the veins is weak unlike in the arteries, and this is why the arteries are very deep under man's skin unlike the veins? A surgeon told me once that he accidentally cut an artery while he was operating on a patient, and he swore by Allah that the blood reached the ceiling. This is why Allah has located the arteries very deep, while He has made the veins close to the surface, so Whose Hand has created that?
The Almighty Allah located all the noble systems in the human body in forts (since they are deep and not in the surface), so Whose Hand has done that? Allah has created small hairs and interior nested surfaces in the nose. These surfaces has blood vessels and muscles which expand in the cold weather and they become wide in order to bring warm blood to these surfaces and this explains why man's nose turns red in winter, which means that the air has to pass through long distance inside the nose, so why is that? Man's average inner temperature is 37 degrees centigrade, and in winter man inhales very cold air whose temperature is close to zero, but by passing through all this distance inside the nose, the air is heated in order to reach the lungs in a suitable temperature. Moreover, these inner surfaces are covered with sticky mucus which traps dust particles and smoke from the inhaled air. When man tries to clean his nose, he will see that the discharges are dark because of the stuck dust and smoke. What would have happened if some dust particles had managed to get through the nose and survived the mucus? Here comes the role of the hairs in the nose. Therefore, in the nose there is mucus on the inner surfaces, the hairs, the blood vessels and muscles, so that the air will pass through a long distance in order to be heated before entering the lungs from zero degree to 37 degrees, now Who has created that? Allah the Almighty has. Try to ponder over one thing every day.
The knee is very important to the human being and without it man will eat like a cat which puts her belly on the ground to lick the food with its tongue from the dish. Man has this round joint (the knee) which prevents outward movement of the lower leg at the knee, unlike the joints of the hand without which no craft can be done by any human being. How great this Design and Wisdom are?
Dear brother, the following Ayah is very delicate:
﴾ And also in your ownselves. Will you not then see?﴿
I hope that we train ourselves to ponder over Allah's creations. The two ears enable man to know the direction of the sound, whereas his two eyes enable him to see things in three dimensions. The hair of the man has no nerves, unlike the teeth, so if man has any tooth decay, he will rush to the dentist because of the toothache he has, so this pain preserves his tooth. I encourage all of you to spend at least 10 minutes every day in pondering over your body, so that you might turn to Allah, acknowledge His Greatness and reach Him through the widest gate and the shortest way (pondering).